Israel’s Booming Economy Puts Billions in U.S. Aid Under Spotlight

obbiWith gas flowing and energy independence expected in the future, Israel’s economy is surging. After a Bloomberg survey this week said the shekel was the strongest of 31 major currencies over the last half year, some American campaign groups, such as Stop The Blank Check and the Council for the National Interest believe the aid program, which sees the U.S. send $3 billion worth of financial assistance to Israel each year, should end or be reduced.

Republican Sen. Rand Paul said the U.S. could no longer afford to keep borrowing money and then handing it out to others.

“It will be harder to be a friend of Israel if we are out of money. It will be harder to defend Israel if we destroy our country in the process,” Paul told the Jerusalem Institute for Market Studies, an Israeli think tank, in January.


2 Responses

  1. To ahavas yisroel
    You are making an assumption that if Israel would stop receiving us aid it would act like a proud independent state should and wouldn’t look over its shoulders to see if the us approves before making a decision. I think your assumption is wrong. Nothing would change except something in the defense budget would get cut.

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