Rick Santorum Sent To Hospital, Cancels Iowa Trip

santnFormer GOP presidential candidate Rick Santorum had to cancel his Monday speech in Iowa after he fell sick in South Carolina and was forced to seek treatment in a local hospital.

Doctors said in TheIowaRepublican.com that the former Pennsylvania senator’s illness wasn’t serious — it’s a gastrointestinal malady and dehydration — but that they’re keeping him for observation. Mr. Santorum was supposed to have spoken at an Iowan Faith and Freedom event and also attend a gathering at the John Paul II Medical Research Institute.
Both events are still going on as planned.

Mr. Santorum was in South Carolina visiting his oldest son who attends the Citadel in Charleston.

“He is expected to resume a full schedule later this week and looks forward to returning to Iowa soon,” said Virginia Davis, a spokesperson for Patriot Voices, in TheIowaRepublican.com.

(Source: Washington Times)

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