Rick Santorum: ‘Suicidal’ If GOP Supported Same-Gender Marriage

sant2Rick Santorum says it would be “suicidal” for the Republican Party to support same-gender marriage.

In an interview with The Des Moines Register on Monday, Santorum said that Sens. Rob Portman (R-Ohio) and Mark Kirk (R-Ill.) backing same-gender marriage is similar to the Republicans in the 1960s and 1970s who broke with the GOP and supported abortion.

“I’m sure you could go back and read stories, oh, you know, ‘The Republican Party’s going to change. This is the future.’ Obviously, that didn’t happen,” Santorum told the Register. “I think you’re going to see the same stories written now, and it’s not going to happen. The Republican Party’s not going to change on this issue. In my opinion, it would be suicidal if it did.”

Santorum, a former Pennsylvania senator, also said that Americans haven’t carefully thought out what legalizing same-gender marriage would mean for the country. “[It] is not a well thought-out position by the American public,” Santorum said.


3 Responses

  1. not if they combined it with supporting a change in current policies that favor married couples (who even among hetereosexuals are increasingly just one man and one woman) in favor of policies that benefits familes that include children (which are overwhelmingly hetereosexual)

    In all fairness, why should a couple of childless adults be considered especially worthy of a governmental largress. Such couples are financially well off. The Republicans should answer the judicailly mandated move to “gay marriage” by an initiative to aid families with children.

  2. Rick is %100 right. I really hope he runs. It’s time for the True Republicans to step foward and rid themselves of all the old RINO’s. Santorum, Ted Cruz & Rand Paul are a good start. Marco Rubio can not be trusted. It sounds like he’s getting his talking points from that LOSER/LEFTY, Karl Rove.

  3. He is correct on many fronts! No one votes republican based on this stuff. In fact, they see there’s no difference between a DeMAR (democrat masquerading as republicans) and a true republican!

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