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Bloomberg Group To Grade Lawmakers On Gun-Control Issues

bloNew York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s (I) group, Mayors Against Illegal Guns, will look to raise pressure on lawmakers to enact gun control by grading them based on their positions and votes on gun issues.

The scoring system will be similar to that used by the nation’s largest gun rights lobby, the National Rifle Association, which gives lawmakers grades on a scale from “A” to “F,” the Washington Post first reported.

“For decades, the NRA has done an admirable job of tracking to minute detail how members of Congress stand on gun bills,” the group’s director Mark Glaze told the Post. “We’ve simply decided to do the same.”

The group will unveil the details of their plan on Tuesday.

Glaze said that the scorecard was needed by donors who want more information about which lawmakers to back to help promote new gun ownership restrictions.

“The appetite for information about where members are is very high,” he said. “We don’t intend that this will be a tree falling in the forest. We intend for people to have all the information they need to make sound voting and political-contribution decisions.”


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