Los Angeles: Shlomo Yehuda Rechnitz Buys ‘Doheny Meats’ Following Kashrus Scandal

rechShlomo Yehuda Rechnitz, the well known philanthropist from Los Angeles, has reportedly purchased Doheny Glatt Kosher Meats from its owner, Mike Engelman.

As was reported extensively on YWN, the Rabbinical Council of California (RCC) had revoked the store’s Kashrus certification after the RCC received video footage alleging kashrus violations at Doheny Kosher Meats, a store under its supervision

It is interesting to note that Rechnitz’s father-in-law is HaRav Yisroel Belskey, Rosh Yeshiva of Torah V’Daas and Posek for the OU Kashrut Division, with whom the rabbinical authorities for the RCC consulted with. Rabbi Belsky had issued a ruling permitting the use of products purchased from the store prior to the suspension of the certification.

Sources tell YWN that the RCC will probably reinstate their Kashrus certification under the new ownership.

Meanwhile, the LA Times is reporting that the U.S. Department of Agriculture has launched an investigation into the Doheny Glatt Kosher meat market as controversy brews over the integrity of products sold there.

The owner of Doheny faces accusations of selling meat that was not properly certified under kosher rules. Last week, local rabbonim pulled Doheny’s hashgacha and, in a statement Friday, raised the possibility of “legal action,” a recourse to secular courts that would be rare.

Tuesday, the USDA’s Food Safety and Inspection Service confirmed that the Doheny market is under investigation. Officials declined to provide additional details because the investigation is ongoing.

(Dov Gordon – YWN / YWN-106)

17 Responses

  1. He could have waited another few weeks until all of the allegations, investigations, and legal accusations were laid on them. If the store hadn’t entirely closed up by then, it surely would be much cheaper.

    I therefore conclude that he did it leshem shomayim, to make sure that the Jewish community has an uninterrupted supply of kosher meat, and even more kosher than ever before.

  2. @yitzyk: Don’t be so naive. This whole “kosher” industry is run by the rabbinic mafia. If the rabbis don’t like a shopkeeper they will make sure to ruin him/her and ruin their reputations.

    Rechnitz is a businessman. Plain and simple. He needs to earn a living like everyone else.

  3. im sure he did it leshem shomayim. The city now needs a good butcher in that area of town under the RCC and he is here to make that happen.
    kol hakavod!!

  4. @walton157
    you should be ashamed of yourself for talking badly against hundreds of rabbonim and saying such Motzi Shem Rah.

    Reb Shlomo Yehuda Rechnitz is known to be a big ba’al chesed here in LA and worldwide. He makes investment like these even if he doesnt make any money. He is a good man.

    You dont even know him , so dont talk like that.

    Us here in LA wouldnt be suprised if this was completely leshem shomayimm and he didnt make a penny. Thats the type of tzidkus wehe does and more.

  5. the RCC is the best Hechsher in the world. whenever you eat RCC approved food there is peace of mind that you will not have by any other Kashrus organization. their products will always be Kosher! guaranteed! even if there will be iron clad proof that because of their incompetence it was indeed N’veilos U’treifos they will whitewash it and wiggle their way around. If Harav Breslower would have had the ego of the RCC Moshe Finkel would be still standing there selling meat.

  6. Does Reb Rechnitz intend to have his Shver take over the hashgacha responsibilities from the RCC…He is probably too old and too busy to get involved in the day-to-day hashgacha issues but he has great name recognition in the frum community an it might help restore some credibility to the business.

  7. Walton157
    You are the one who is niave. If you don’t know his intentions for buying it don’t make them up!!

  8. TzofnasPaneach said:
    “”the RCC is the best Hechsher in the world. whenever you eat RCC approved food there is peace of mind that you will not have by any other Kashrus organization. their products will always be Kosher! guaranteed!”””

    I agree.

  9. tzofnaspaneach your the one with the big fat ego, saying such loshon hara, actually motzei shem ra, with no basis. nothing was whitewashed, nobody wiggled their way around, a huge baal tzedaka decided to provide the community with some good kosher meat and he is chosing the rcc because there is no better hechsher around!!!!!!!

  10. For all you children out there, I know Shlomo Yehuda well, if you think that he needs the money from this meat store then you probably also think that Mayor Mike Bloomberg needs the official one dollar a year salary that he gets from NYC. I cannot contain my laughter. He is a Tzaddik that gives his life for the Klal. I doubt he wants me to give further details.

  11. But western kosher isn’t currently under the RCC! Does that mean it will now become RCC?(That would be nice)
    Or this new butcher shop will be, but western will stay not? (Not likely)

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