Study Finds Many In NYC Hit By Cars In Crosswalk

fdnyaNew York City crosswalks are not as safe as they should be.

A study conducted by doctors from NYU Langone Medical Center finds that 44 percent of pedestrians hit by cars are struck while in the crosswalk crossing with the light.

The New York Times reports that researchers studied more than 1,400 pedestrians and cyclists treated at Bellevue Hospital Center after collisions between December 2008 and June 2011.

The study also found that overweight pedestrians hit by cars suffered less serious injuries than slimmer ones. Researchers said fat may protect against injury.

Forty percent of cyclists injured by cars in the study were hit by taxis. Among injured pedestrians, 25 percent were hit by taxis.

City officials said the report shows the need for bike lanes and pedestrian plazas.


5 Responses

  1. The personal injury lawyers have known for years that the most dangerous place to cross the street is in the crosswalk when the light is with the pedestrian-plaintiff. All the plaintiffs’ lawsuits always allege this when they are injured. If a person crosses a street outside the crosswalk and/or against the light, there is a serious risk that the verdict or settlement will be impaired.

  2. Doesn’t surprise. I have notice many people waiting in the end zone of the crosswalk light to turn green.

  3. “New York City crosswalks are not as safe as they should be” I honestly don’t think its the crosswalks. I think it’s the people!

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