PHOTOS: Pashkavilim Against ‘Chardakim’


Over recent weeks, pashkavilim against what is being called “chardakim” have been seen in predominately chareidi areas. This new term refers to the chareidim who join the IDF, “chareidim kalei daas”, hence the new term.

Following are photos of some of these pashkavilim. Photo credit News 24.

YWN PHOTO LINK: Click HERE for photos.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

11 Responses

  1. The zionist government is switching from trying to recruit hareidim by offering accomodations and incentives, and is instead relying on coercion to get people out of yeshivos and into barracks. This puts those who want to volunteer in a serious bind, since they may be highly motivated to serve in the IDF but don’t want to appear to be on the same side as those who want to force student to stop learning. It’s one thing for an indvidual to choose to pursue a “baal ha-bayis” career track, but quite another to be opposed to other Jews being “bnei Torah.”. Bennett and Lapid may have seriously undermined the loyalty of the thousands of hareidim who currently serve in the IDF.

  2. mdd, akuperma actually raises a good point. Whatever the Chareidim do isn’t always wrong, either.

  3. #2 – This attempt at verbal insult (to those serving) and intimidation (of those not yet serving) reeks of desperation. Adrabba, if Benett and Lapid were decreasing the motivation of charedim to serve there would be no need for such measures. The opposite, then, is clearly what the posters of the pashkevilim suspect. Will such name-calling be successful? I very much doubt it. Time will tell.

  4. What a pure bezayun!!!!! I do not envy the gehinom of these individuals who are ‘mevazah harabim’. This is called Charedi COERCION to its own, we will demolish, delegitimitize, destroy your reputation and life so that you can only ‘talk our talk and walk our walk’.

    The classic question: Where are the Rabbanim? Where are the askanim? Where are the Bnei Yeshiva? is everyone unified in this humiliation and ‘Motzi Shem Rah”?

  5. Not much different than Nazi propaganda who depicted Yidden as disgusting vermin! !!אוי לעיניים שכך רואות

  6. What a shame!
    Israel is a small country in the largely hostole Arab middle East. That is why they need a draft.
    ISraeli soldiers are HEROES for defending the lives of millions of Jews (Yidden)
    Its a kiddush Hashem seeing photos of these heroes in tallis ans tefilin while engaging in hatsalas nefishos of millions of Jews. HAredi leaders should speak out loud and clear of the CHILLUL HASHEm of the Bogdim and traitors that put down soldiers and others that call Israeli plice Nazis and especially thos ethat support Iran and hostile Palestinians! I also say it is Torah and Hashem that protect Israel. But SINAS CHINAM (Meshuganas that engage in Chillul Hashem and those that are too timid to speak out) is a CAUSE of Galus – not an antidote.

  7. People should remember that the US also had a mandatory draft until 1973. It’s amazing that even this medina shel chesed actively tried to “get people out of yeshivos and into barracks”. I bet the US ended the draft once they realized that they wouldn’t be able to stop Torah learning from spreading in this country. Sh’bchol dor vador…vhakadosh baruch hu matzileinu myadam.

  8. Dear Benk
    The IDF is not understaffed. You seem blissfully unaware of the kuturkampf going on. The draft is just stage one of the Zionist dream of secularizing Israel.
    The IDF don’t want the chareidim in the army. The secular politicians want it. No one is critising secular soldiers for protecting the country. The power of pure Torah learning is what gives the IDF their success. Not believing in that is apikorsus.
    Also,equating fringe elements that even the Neturei karta reject,with the tsibur bnei Torah shows an abject ignorance of reality.

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