Arab League Pledges $1 Billion for Jerusalem

abasWorking to usurp Israeli sovereignty of predominately Arab areas of the capital, primarily the eastern capital, the Arab League has set up a fund to the tune of $1 billion towards preserving the Islamic character of those areas. The move was announced on the first day of Pesach 5773, part of the plan assisting the PA (Palestinian Authority) in realizing its vision of declaring an independent State of Palestine with eastern Yerushalayim serving as its capital.

In his remarks at the opening session of the Arab summit in Doha, Qatar’s Emir Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa Al-Thani announced that his country was going to contribute a quarter of the sum, $250 million. The fund will be managed by the Islamic Development Bank in Saudi Arabia.

PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas (Abu Mazen) welcomed the move, praising the decision.

“The Israeli occupation is working in a systematic and hurried way to Judaize east Jerusalem, change its features and uproot its Palestinian inhabitants, attacking the al-Aqsa Mosque and its Muslim and Christian holy sites,” Abbas said in a speech at the summit.

Foreign Ministry spokesman Yigal Palmer called the move “a badge of shame” for Qatar.

“Objecting to ‘Judaization of Jerusalem’, so to speak, is absurd and is equitable to an objection to the Catholic nature of the Vatican or the Islamization of Mecca, it is naturally unthinkable,” Palmer said.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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