32 Boro Park Locations for Burning of the Chametz

choCouncilman Greenfield thanked the FDNY, Chaim Fleischer of Chaveirim, Simcha Bernath, Yanky Daskal and Mottie Katz of Shomrim, and Community Board 12 Chairman Yidel Perlstein for their help in planning, setting up and overseeing all of the chametz burn sites. Councilman David G. Greenfield has worked with all of these community leaders and the FDNY over the past few weeks to establish 32 sites throughout Boro Park for residents to safely take part in the burning of the chametz on Monday. All residents who are taking part in this annual tradition must utilize these official locations and are asked to refrain from creating their own burn sites in order to ensure order and safety for everyone.

“On behalf of the entire community, I really appreciate the great work by the FDNY, led by Brooklyn Borough Commander, Chief James Leonard, for helping make the biur chametz run smoothly and safely and for personally manning the command center throughout the day. I know that this is a very exciting time in the community, and I look forward to seeing many of my neighbors and constituents around the neighborhood on Erev Yom Tov,” said Councilman Greenfield.

The burn sites will be established at the following 32 locations and will be open from 8:00 a.m. to 11:35 a.m. on Monday:

4507 10th Avenue, 5102 11th Avenue, 5602 11th Avenue, 12th Avenue and 40th Street, 12th Avenue and 45th Street, 4706 12th Avenue, 5206 12th Avenue, 5610 12th Avenue, 1321 43rd Street, 60th Street and 13th Avenue, 4502 14th Avenue, 4706 14th Avenue, 14thAvenue and 50th Street, 1350 53rd Street, 56th Street and 14th Avenue, 59th Street and 14th Avenue, 39th Street and 15th Avenue, 15thAvenue and 42nd Street, 4802 15th Avenue, 5015 15th Avenue, 49th Street and 16th Avenue, 5306 16th Avenue, 55th Street and 16thAvenue, 48th Street and Old New Utrecht Avenue, 58th Street and 17th Avenue, 4433 18th Avenue, 52nd Street and 18th Avenue, 55thStreet and 18th Avenue, 19th Avenue and 50th Street, 19th Avenue and 59th Street, 5822 21st Avenue and Avenue F and E. 2nd Street.

These sites will all be manned by Shomrim and Chaveirim members, so the public is asked to follow their instructions to maintain safety. In addition, FDNY will provide members of its Education and Marshall units at various sites around the neighborhood to oversee safety.

There were no incidents reported last year in Boro Park or Midwood. However, there was a minor incident in Williamsburg after someone threw a bottle into a fire, causing it to explode. With that in mind, the public is reminded that only chametz should be thrown into fires, and no other objects that could cause injuries, especially items that are flammable or pressurized.

There will be large dumpsters set up at the following six locations around Boro Park for residents to discard all other refuse and trash: 50th Street and 9th Avenue, 41st Street and 12th Avenue, 45th Street and 14th Avenue, 53rd Street and 14th Avenue, 48th Street and 16th Avenue and 55th Street at 18th Avenue. These dumpsters will be available to the public from Sunday evening to 4 p.m. Monday.

Residents can call Councilman Greenfield’s district office at (718) 853-2704 with any questions or issues.


(YWN Desk – NYC)

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