Explosion Results in Closure of Bnei Brak Matzah Factory

matzahA legal battle has been taking place over recent years regarding a matzah bakery in Bnei Brak that is not operating legally. Last week, a shmura matzah oven exploded, bringing the legal battle to an abrupt end as City Hall shut down the operation. Four avreichim were injured in the blast.

City Hall closed the bakery, which lacks a a fire department permit. According to a Yediot Ramat Gan report, one of the bakeries tried to prevent the closure but the court would not intervene on the bakery’s behalf. The court explained that the issue of a fire department permit is not open to discussion and there is no room for leniency.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

2 Responses

  1. Its like Groundhog day in yiddeshe context….every year there is another one of these fires or explosions at illegal peseach matzoh bakeries where fortunately, no one has been killed but many have been injured. In a city the size of BB, there is zero reason why there has to be any improper matzoh bakeries when there are many fully licensed and proper commercial bakeries producing shmurah matzoh with the highest quality chassideshe hashgach.

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