Greenfield’s Law Would End ‘Gotcha’ Tickets for Small Businesses

gfnContinuing his efforts to make running a small business in New York City fairer and to reduce the crippling fines faced by merchants, Councilman David G. Greenfield has introduced legislation that would require city agencies to provide businesses with a quarterly guide to the laws and codes governing their specific industry, as well as any recent changes to those regulations and to the inspection process. This will help all business and store owners stay up to date on the many laws they must follow to avoid the onerous and hefty fines that make doing business in the five boroughs very difficult and expensive.

Councilman Greenfield introduced this legislation at last week’s Stated City Council meeting. It requires agency commissioners to produce and mail quarterly guides clearly explaining all local laws and department rules and practices relevant to each category of licenses or permits. This information would also be posted online. It is intended to improve the communication between various city agencies including Consumer Affairs and Department of Health and business owners. It will also bring a greater measure of fairness to the current system by clearly informing business owners of the exact expectations and requirements the city has for them. This would be especially useful for businesses such as restaurants where the specific guidelines are constantly changing, and for all newly-licensed businesses.

“It is only fair that the city clearly explain to business owners all of the rules and regulations it expects them to follow. This legislation would make it much easier for business owners of all types to understand exactly what rules they need to abide by to keep the public safe and to avoid receiving fines. I have heard from so many frustrated business owners about how difficult and expensive it is to operate in New York City, so I will continue to fight on their behalf to make it fairer for all sides,” said Councilman Greenfield.

This legislation marks the latest step Councilman Greenfield has taken on behalf of small business owners in his district and across the city. He has fought for changes to the Health Department’s process for inspecting restaurants to make this system more predictable and to eliminate the arbitrary and unfair tickets that so many restaurant owners routinely receive. He recently promoted and publicized the Department of Consumer Affairs’ new resources for small business owners, and has worked with the Department of Transportation to increase parking availability and with the Department of Sanitation to improve cleanliness along commercial corridors throughout Midwood, Boro Park and Bensonhurst.

“Small businesses are the backbone of the city’s economy and a major aspect of every neighborhood. There’s no excuse for a ‘gotcha ticket.’ The city must inform business owners when rules change. This legislation will go a long way towards helping every merchant stay up to date on the laws governing their industry and avoid expensive fines,” concluded Councilman Greenfield.

(YWN Desk – NYC)

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