Sderot Resident: ‘They Fire Rockets at Will’

kassThe home of Sderot resident Yossi Chaviza was hit by a rocket fired from Gaza early Thursday morning, 10 Nissan 5773. Yossi explained that he was heading to Ashkelon when his wife called and told him the rocket landed in their yard.

Chaviza explains that “What is all this hand-shaking, the festivities and jubilation surrounding President Obama’s visit? It has been 3-4 months since the operation ended, and the IDF did not finish the job. For us, the rockets continue and I was on my way to Ashkelon. My wife and children ran for shelter and I turned around and headed home. Baruch Hashem there was no injuries.”

Chaviza explains that for as long as a single rocket is launched over the border the work is not complete and for him, it is not about ceremonies and lofty promises, but the litmus test is what takes place day to day in his community and the surrounding area. Chaviza added that on Thursday night he is making a bas mitzvah and he and the family pray the event passes without incident.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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