Israel: Wine Sales Up 30% Ahead of Pesach

wineAs Am Yisrael prepares for Seder and the four cups of wine, Israeli wine officials report sales are up by 30% ahead of Yomtov. According to the folks at the 1848 Winery, the average Israeli will consume a liter of wine during the Yomtov week, adding that for comparison’s sake, the average Israeli will drink a total of 8 liters of wine during the remaining 51 weeks of the year.

The report adds the average Israelis drinks two cups of wine weekly, as compared to European residents (Italy, Spain, Portugal, and France to name a few), drinking at least seven times that amount per week, averaging about 60 liters of wine or more per person/year.

60% of Israelis prefer a local wine; 20% buy a bottle of wine each week; and 30% buy a bottle of wine monthly.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

2 Responses

  1. Interesting. Another article suggested overall grocery sales were down. This suggests the people who buy wine are optimistic about the economy and spending away, while the poorer elements are nervous and cutting back. Given the platform of those coming to power, this seems quite reasonable.

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