Firebomb Attack Against a Shul in Russia

A hachnasas Sefer Torah in Russia this week ended with a firebomb attack at that location. Classrooms in the school of the Jewish community of Param were targeted in the hate attack. The local Jewish community reports that they are absolutely certain the attack was anti-Semitic in nature, apparently sparked by the festivities surrounding the hachnasas Sefer Torah.

Officials add that just a week earlier a column against the local Jewish community appeared in a local newspaper, connecting the lawsuit taking place in the USA against Russia surrounding the Lubavitch library.

Jewish community leaders reported two firebombs were hurled into classrooms of the Chabad-affiliated yeshiva. B”H staff members had just arrived to prepare for the following day’s classes and they were able to extinguish the flames before the fire could spread.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

One Response

  1. The Christian Russian people have Jew hating in there genes. The Poles are no better. Anti-semitism is will exist as long as Christianity has followers.

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