5 Rockets Launched into Southern Israel

kassam rocket slam

It appears that Gazan terrorists wish to acknowledge the presence of US President Barak Obama. Five rockets were launched into southern Israel earlier this morning, Thursday, 10 Nissan 5773. One of the rockets landed in the yard of a Sderot home, resulting in damage. Another landed in the Shar HaNegev Regional Council, in an open area. Others landed in areas under Hamas occupation.

B’chasdei Hashem no one appears to have been injured.

2 Responses

  1. Boruch Hashem no injuries. This could be one of the dumbest things Hamas has done. For those of you who recall George Schultz – secretary of State under Reagan – the Islamists tried to blow up his convoy when he was visiting – I think it was in Saudi Arabia. That only pushed him into being probably the most pro Israeli Secretary of State ever. Lets hope that Obama gets the message of who we are dealing with.

  2. Was Sderot one of the cities on Obama’s agenda to visit? It should be so that he can get a true assessment of what is happening in the MidEast.

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