Bloomberg Says He’d Veto Proposal For NYPD Monitor

bloA plan to create an inspector general for the New York Police Department is spurring a standoff between two of the city’s top leaders: the mayor and the City Council speaker.

A day after the speaker signaled plans to pass the measure, Mayor Michael Bloomberg urged council members on Wednesday to oppose it. He says he’ll veto it if they don’t.

Hours later, Council Speaker Christine Quinn said she’ll guarantee the council will override any veto.

Civil liberties advocates say the NYPD needs a new watchdog. They’re troubled by its extensive use of the tactic known as stop and frisk and by its widespread spying on Muslims, detailed in stories by The Associated Press.

Bloomberg and police say they already get enough oversight from a civilian complaint board and other entities.


One Response

  1. The police have become rogues and a crackdown is in order. In Israel it’s even worse. The system needs to be overhauled with the creation of municipal police and municipal courts that are accountable to the electorate. The Israeli police are the equivalent of the FBI or State Troopers. In addition are effectively a branch of the army. On top of that they are completely unsupervised by the civilian population. Much worse the average cop is very mediocre and has developed criminal tendencies and sympathies.

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