Tefilos Requested for Terror Victim Adele Biton

tehillDoctors treating 3-year-old Adele Biton, who sustained critical injuries in a vehicular accident near Ariel, the result of Arab rock-throwing, have explained to the family there is nothing more they can do.

On Tuesday, 8 Nissan 5773 YWN-ISRAEL reported that the young girl’s condition deteriorated and it now appears the doctors are unable to do more to stabilize and improve her condition.

The tzibur is urged to be mispallel for אדל בת אדוה בתוך שאר חולי ישראל

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

3 Responses

  1. I believe a name was added, though I don’t have it in front of me. If anyone has it, can they please post? Thank you.

    an Israeli Yid

  2. Did anyone tell the Biton family to create an Adele fund for her recovery? G-D makes miracles happen and he will be with Adele to show his presence. We must pray and believe and he shall save her. May G-D punish those who hurt our children with the outmost pain

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