Rabbi Blumenkrantz’s Pesach Digest Now Available On the Apple App Store

bLUMENKRANTZ1[COMMUNICATED CONTENT] For the first time ever your Apple device can hold the solution to all your
“pesach preparations” Impossible? Not anymore. Select chapters of Rabbi Avrohom
Blumenkrantz’s renowned Pesach Digest are coming to the apple store to make your
Pesach preparations easier than it’s ever been. The easy to understand,
simplified App will include kashering, cosmetics, food products, non food
products, medicine, health and beauty. A never before seen baby product category
will also be included. Don’t know which category your question falls under?
That’s ok. Everything is searchable. Don’t wait until the Pesach rush
arrives, avoid it entirely by simply downloading The Pesach digest App.


2 Responses

  1. NOT TO BE A “PARTY POOPER” but most smartphones are droids with roughly 49% at the last count. what are we? chopped liver?

  2. you are right. i spoke to the one who organized the app and he told me that next year it will be available to android users as well. but i must say it really is so easy to search for everything in the app.

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