Minister Ariel Shakes Obama’s hand & Says: ‘Please Free Pollard’

oi1The members of the cabinet were lined up on the red carpet as Israel on Wednesday 9 Nissan 5773 welcomed US President Barak Obama in Ben-Gurion International Airport. When Mr. Obama reached Housing Minister (Bayit HaYehudi) Uri Ariel, the newly-appointed minister decided to take advantage of the moment. He asked the president to “please free Pollard” in the few seconds allotted to him for the official handshake and introduction.

The president did not respond to Ariel’s words, and moved on to the next in line.

Ariel told reporters that with the realization Pollard has been imprisoned for 28 years, he felt a responsibility to use that moment on his behalf. “It is my tefilla that my request was heard by the president” he explained.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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