42 Siyumei Hashas at Shas Yiden – Each Scholar Completes 13,555 Blatt a Year

Press Release:

From Shas Yiden


42 Siyumei Hashas at Shas Yiden –

Each Scholar Completes 13,555 Blatt a Year


    On Monday evening, November 5, a select gathering at the home of the Nasi of Shas Yiden,  רשכבה”ג Maran Sar Hatorah, Hagaon Harav Chaim Kanievsky, shlit”a. It will be his annual farher of Shas Yiden on the entire Shas, PLUS a combined 42-siyumei Shas Bavli celebration. Last year Rav Chaim exclaimed at the siyum: “Zei kennen shas!” (They know Shas!)


    All the gaonim avreichim from the Shas Yiden kollelim network – Yerushalayim, Bnei Brak and Beit Shemesh – will be present. These 42 Shas Yiden scholars will each have completed their annual 13,555 blatt with Rashi and Tosfos (5 times Shas). Their official annual learning totals 569,310 blatt. Over this last year, they have also completed monthly written tests on 225 blatt each month, one on 1200 blatt at six months, and this last week on 2711 blatt!!


    On Tuesday afternoon, a grand intensive and detailed oral farher on the entire Shas, has been compiled and will be conducted by Hagaon Harav Mechel Zilber, shlit”a, Rosh Yeshivas Zevil. Reb Mechel is renowned throughout the Torah world as the Daf Hayomi Magid Shiur. It is a tribute to the reputation and achievements of the Shas Yiden avreichim that Rav Mechel is giving them the farher.


    Attendance at both events is by invitation only. Anyone who would like to attend, should contact Shas Yiden via the website: www.shasyiden.com,click on ‘contact’ and apply to attend, and you will receive a status update.


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