Jerusalem Traffic Horror During Obama Visit

oaf1.jpgWhen US President Barak Obama arrives in Yerushalayim next week for his 48 hour visit, Jerusalemites will be among the first to know as they will face the traffic horrors associated with a presidential visit. The traffic interruptions and closures will be in effect from Wednesday 9 Nissan to 11 Nissan 5773.

As the visit gets underway, the snarls will begin on Route 1, the Jerusalem-Tel Aviv Highway, as portions will be shut to accommodate the high level diplomatic envoy.

Interruptions in public transportation will be a part of the headache for Jerusalemites days ahead of Pesach, and a special hotline information number was set up to assist residents in coping.

See the flyer for full information regarding traffic and transportation arrangements during the presidential visit.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

One Response

  1. Obama gotta have some nerve to come to Jerusalem a couple of days before pesach and tie up erev yomtov traffic. What chutzpa !!!!!!!

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