THE FINAL DEAL? Bennett Plan: Yesh Atid Takes Education Portfolio

bibelaFollowing a meeting between Naftali Bennett and Yair Lapid in the latter’s home on Wednesday afternoon 2 Nissan 5773, the Bayit Yehudi leader has picked up the ball and is now spearheading a shuttle diplomacy effort to bring the trilateral coalition talks to a summation.

According to the Bennett plan, Yesh Atid will walk away with the Education Ministry for Rabbi Shai Piron as Yair Lapid promised. In exchange there will be a bit of cabinet shuffling to make the deal palatable to Likud/Beitenu.

In return, the Likud will hold on to the Interior Ministry and Yair Lapid will acquiesce regarding the size of the cabinet, increasing it by one to placate The Movement, permitting Yair Peretz to serve as minister of environmental affairs. This will extinguish any fires of dispute coming from Tzipi Livni, who insists her agreement will not be renegotiated. The Likud will also receive an additional deputy ministerial slot, most likely in the Ministry of Education.

The chair of the Knesset Finance Committee will go to Bayit Yehudi’s MK Nissim Slomiansky. Bennett has already help a preliminary telephone meeting with Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu. The threesome, Bennett, Lapid and the prime minister are scheduled to meet in the Defense Ministry in Tel Aviv at 21:00.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

15 Responses

  1. I was under the impression Bibi was not going to negotiate giving the Education Ministry from Gideon Saar. He’s done a good job at the ministry, even the teachers unions are asking for him to keep it.

    Shai Piron won’t do anything but antagonize the hareidi tzibur further.

    I suppose in the end we have Bennett to thank for this and his insistence on having Yesh Atid in government no matter what. I just wish I knew why. I didn’t vote for them, but I know people who did and are feeling very, very disappointed and disillusioned.

  2. It looks like Israel finally has a government that intends to deal with its fundamental problems and not continue to kick the can down the road. True difficulties lie ahead; be’ezrat hashem they will be successfully met and overcome.

  3. Sounds like the board of directors of my local shul. It’s all about themselves. Couldn’t care less about the congregation.

  4. #1 – You have Litzman, Gafni and Deri to thank for not meeting with Bennett when Bibi tried to exclude Bayit Yehudi.

    I am not happy about the situation. I think Achdut among the Torah communities are very important and we could have founded common ground.

    Unfortunately achdut means nothing to many charadim. as we can see my the violence between family members and different sects of chasdim.

  5. #1 – The reporting of the deal on the D”L websites is joyous. I am sure that there are some D”L voters with buyers remorse, but they seem to be a small minority from within the Charda”l community.

  6. Unless they have a change of heart, this means a major storm is brewing, as the coalitions has indicated it wants to “crack down” of non-zionist yeshivos. This will have serious ramifications.

  7. #5 Even if that was true, the dati leumi Rabbonim have been calling over and over again for Bennett to sit with the hareidim instead now. Forgive and forget etc.

    Many within Bayit Yehudi seem upset too, like Rav Ben-Dahan who is alarmed at Yesh Atid’s intentions for chillul Shabbos and civil marriages etc.

    I agree we need achdus, I just fear that these decisions only strengthen the hands of the extremists like NK etc.

    #6 I was talking about people I know, many hareidim voted for Bennett who promised to defend Torah study and talk with the hareidim. I’d imagine that hardalim aren’t happy either, certainly the word from the hardal Rabbonim has been less than optimistic.

    Still what’s done is done. I don’t really understand why Bennett has done what he’s done, but I’m sure he will let Bibi invite the hareidi parties in the weeks to come. Lapid just wants his photo op to have nobody with beard and payos.

  8. Lapid clearly wants to redefine Israel and Judaism. This is not about “sharing the burden”. He wants to control the entire internal landscape of the country (education, finance, religion, etc.) to imprint his vision. He will try to remove talmidim from yeshivos, determine what schools will teach, teach Talmud as a cultural analysis devoid of Torah, etc. He will use his control of the distribution of money and prison to try to force his hand.

    It’s really like what the communists did.

  9. Share the burden is just an easy sop to appeal to some gullible pro-IDF settlers. Lapid want to get rid of all Torah, not just the chareidim.

  10. As per the small srugim, let’s state truth. They desperately prefer a very secular state [ more than the secular themselves]

  11. #5
    “This would be laughable if it were not so tragic. Though many blame the hareidim for not agreeing to join with Bayit Yehudi, MK Ayelet Shaked openly admitted that the Jewish Home never sat down with the haredi parties – in contradiction to MK Uri Ariel (Bayit Yehudi) who claims that Shas refused to talk with them – to discuss a solution to the matter.

    A good number of hareidim who strongly support settlements voted for Bennett. He beckoned to us holding out an olive branch and calling “brother!”, except that unbeknown to many, he held a sharpened dagger behind his back with the name Lapid etched on its blade. Bennett continues to call the haredim his brothers, but history is ridden with brothers who betray one another for..gain.”

  12. “Shai Piron won’t do anything but antagonize the hareidi tzibur further.”

    He is RABBI Shai Piron.

    That kind of disrespect is precisely why few in the DL community are upset that Bennett formed an alliance with Yesh Atid rather than the Charedim.

  13. #10 His own comments.

    #14 He is MK Shai Piron. There are plenty of Rabbonim in the Knesset, like Aryeh Deri, who do not get called Rabbi by the mainstream media or you. Why should Shai Piron be an exception?

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