Shtreimal Rentals to Alleviate Pesach Chametz Fears

shtre.jpgOver the years, at least in Eretz Yisrael, one can find just about anything with a “kosher for Pesach” hechsher, at times leaving us wondering why the hechsher is necessary. Nevertheless this appears to be the trend, which expands annually. This year in Israel one badatz agency is even certifying cigarettes for Pesach.

Amid growing anxiety among Yidden who wear shtreimals, fearing chametz may have found its way into the headgear and pose and issue for Pesach, a new service is born, news agencies are reporting. Apparently, more than a few shtreimal wearers give theirs for cleaning before Yomtov, but this year, Pe’er Shtremilach (פאר השטריימלך) of Yerushalayim is offering a chametz free Pesach shtreimal rental, hoping to create a new market.

It appears the real fear is that a grain of chametz buried in one’s shtreimal may chas v’sholom fall onto a plate of food during Yomtov.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

13 Responses

  1. My father, Z”L, always used to “vinch un” a “freilichen Pesach”. He would say people are so obsessed with making a “kusher Pesach”, that they need a special berachah for a freilichen one.

    This is a perfect example of this syndrome. There is no hallachah which states one must worry to the point of anxiety about chometz. That is what “ad sheyado maga’as” means.

  2. Cigarets have a real issue of chomets as the glue used is made of flour.
    I stoped smoking erev pesach 7 years ago as I stoped smoking sue to this problem and have managed to keep away from cigies ad 120 IYH

  3. What people don’t understand is that the ‘chumra of the month’ is not dreamed up by people who are concerned about halacha, rather it is concocted by business people looking to make a quick buck off of OCD am haratzim. This is a perfect example.

  4. It’s brought down, that when Dovid Hamelech cut off part of Shaul Hamelech’s Beged, it was because of a Chashash Chometz. Thats why Shaul was happy.

  5. If an entrepreneur offers a service and finds customers, why not?

    Imagine what these guys would do if the government in Israel allowed Hareidim to work outside of the frum ghetto?

  6. Since luggage weight is limited to 50 lbs now, and carry on luggage is also limited, I think a shtreimel rental service is an excellent idea for visitors who don’t want to shlep their shtreimels to E”Y, year round. (What’s the big deal to clean your shtreimel for Pesach anyway? Just shake it out and vacuum it.)

  7. 3. You are repeating a buba maysa! And even if it was true, the glue is not ra’i l’achilas kelev – unless you want to volunteer to eat some and report back.

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