Israel: Egg & Oil Alert Ahead of Pesach

eggsInspectors are working hard ahead of Pesach with the awareness the annual trend of increased efforts to smuggle in eggs from the PA (Palestinian Authority) is upon us. A flat of 30 inspected and approved eggs in Israel sells for about 32-35 NIS. The same flat of eggs in PA (Palestinian Authority) areas sells for 10 NIS, which is sufficient incentive for some Israelis who are willing to push health concerns aside for an easy profit.

While this industry nets hundreds of millions NIS annually, needless to say a significant chunk of that business surrounds the upcoming Yomtov. One such vehicle was apprehended in recent days when an alert border policeman at a checkpoint realized the vehicle carrying 600 flats of eggs from the PA had a double wall.

A tanker carrying oil from the PA was recently apprehended, and this presents a kashrus issue in addition to health concerns. The truck in this case was coming from the Tulkarem area. This truck was carrying bottles marked with an “OU” which of course was not legitimate, Ladaat reports.

Such “oil” is often a mixture of liquids, which demand the introduction of an emulsifier to make the different liquids blend together and this may often result in a non kosher end product.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

One Response

  1. Can someone please explain why chicken eggs are 25 shekels cheaper on the other side of the wall?
    Also what is the hechsher problem if they do smuggle in the eggs?

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