NYPD Reports Dip In Subway Crime

subThe NYPD says crime is down in the subway this year.

NYPD numbers show subway robberies are down more than 40 percent in January and February compared with the same months last year.

Police say there were 97 incidents in the first two months of 2013, compared with more than 170 last year.

The number of grand larcenies in the subway is also down in January and February, at about three percent.

Other stats like burglaries and felony assaults are about the same in the first two months of this year versus last.

Sources tell YWN that these numbers can be attributed to the hard work of the NYPD Transit Chief Joseph Fox, who has been the chief of transit since September 2011.

Fox is well know for interacting with the ordinary citizens, and has brought his “hands-on approach” to his transit post, visiting stations and warning riders to be vigilant.

(Dov Gordon – YWN)

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