Eichler: We Will Remain Loyal to Yishuvim Despite Bennett

eichlerWhen asked if the chareidim will take revenge against the settlers for Bayit Yehudi’s union with Yesh Atid, MK (Yahadut Hatorah) Yisrael Eichler told Channel 99 on Sunday 28 Adar 5773 “No this will not occur but we will stand behind them. Despite Bennett’s actions we will stand behind the settlers when they ask to vote about giving away their homes. From a humanistic point of view we must support them and stand behind them and then their tzibur will question what happened? Why did Bennett treat them this way?”

Eichler explained that despite’s Bennett’s actions he cannot see turning his back on the residents of the yishuvim when it is known to all that Yair Lapid will not do the same.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

12 Responses

  1. “From a humanistic point of view we must support them.” What is humanistic about supporting people who purposely place themselves in disputed territory, who know the risks of living in such areas, who chose to put their kids at risk, who chose to burden the IDF into defending their remote outposts and who then cause the IDF to set up more security checkpoints thus causing more hatred and resentment from the local Arab population. Perhaps it is a nationalistic point of view but it is hardly a humanistic one.

    One would hope that the current events would finally cause the Zionist elements in UTJ to recognize that their alliance with the settlement entity was always flawed. Chareidi Judaism stands for peace and is not in favor of provoking our neighbors and the rest of the world. The ways of Hashem are ways of sweetness and peace.

  2. #1 There seems to be a clear pattern. Giving back territory in Eretz Yisrael, withdrawal and negotiations lead to more terror and more missiles. The statement “Chareidi Judaism stands for peace” indicates that by not supporting the settlement enterprise, this would bring about peace. This is nothing but wishful thinking. Just study the history of the past 60 years. I can understand (but not agree) with someone who holds of the attitude: “Will the last one to leave Israel, turn off the lights?” But committing to a Jewish presence in Israel while surrendering crucial territory to sworn enemies has not and will not lead to peace.

  3. crazy kanoiy – Your children are in more danger living in New York, both physically and spiritually, than the settlers living in the land Hashem has given us.

  4. That statement is not incompatible with adopting the Labor party position on settlements in the West Bank. Remember that most hareidim living in the West Bank live in places adjacent to the green line.

  5. Chareidi Judaism stands for peace and is not in favor of provoking our neighbors and the rest of the world.

    Tell that to the Dati Leumi community in Beit Shemesh.

    By the way, I live in the Shomron. It’s only “disputed” by those who don’t know it’s an integral part of E”Y.

  6. @#1 They stand with the settlers??? yea they stand VERY far away…you see what charedim like yourself dont understand is that for muslums, meah shearim is a settlement. They want a country from the sea to the valley, and if your naive enough to believe otherwise then you deserve what will come to you, but you know what? it wont come you yet because the settlers are fighting the fight now, what happens when the arabs set their eyes on Jerusalem? And im not talking about half, im talking about the whole Jerusalem?

  7. “What is humanistic about supporting people who purposely place themselves in disputed territory, who know the risks of living in such areas, who chose to put their kids at risk, who chose to burden the IDF into defending their remote outposts and who then cause the IDF to set up more security checkpoints thus causing more hatred and resentment from the local Arab population. Perhaps it is a nationalistic point of view but it is hardly a humanistic one.”
    Why don’t you ask the residents of Kiryat Sefer, Mattisyahu, Beitar Ilit, Nevei Yakov, and Ramat Shlomo?

  8. Look at Shelly Yachimovits’s on the settlements. All the hareidim have to do is be able to live with her position, which for the most part, leave most of the hareidi settlements (which tend to be close to the green line) intact.

    The nightmare for the Israeli right, is that the next coalition (after the next election, once the dust has settled from conscription) will be led by Labor, including the Hareidim and the Arab parties, on a platform of ending conscription, supporting a liberal welfare state, and attempting to preserve only those settlments that are very close to the green line while giving up claims for the rest.

    Note that the “cooler” (than Bennett) heads in the National Religious camp are having second thoughts about the anti-Hareidi “jihad” that Bennett has launched.

  9. @8 Actually labor party is very hawkish when it comes to security, Ben-Eliezer was one of the biggest supporters of operation cast lead. Remember, that what a politition tells you now he or she will “forget” it 5 minutes later.They should be changed as frequently as a babys diaper and for the same reason

  10. Settlements do not bring peace or security. If there is a strategic need to hold a piece of land (the Jordanian Israeli border) then the Army can position itself there.

    Being anti-settlement activity is not synonmous with being in favor of returning land at the present moment. If and when land should be returned should be based on security issues and not on where some youth decided to set up an outpost. (BTW The vast majority of former Army Chief of Staffs and Shin Bet heads do favor the land for peace formula.

    #7 I will say the exact same thing to every Chareidi who lives in a “chareidi settlement”. This is exactly my point some Chareidim have turned religious zionist in there approach to Yishuv Haaretz, Land for Peace etc. Hopefully this new reality will help bring them back to there original Hashkafah.

    #3 I don’t live in NY but I would venture to disagree on both of your points.

    #5 It is disputed by virtualy the entire world. Do you think that the millions of Arabs in Yehuda and Shomron have no roots in pre-state Palestine?

    #7 This is hardly a Chareidi only view. Most left wingers in Israel are not religious at all.

  11. OP: again somthing your not willing to acknowledge is that the arabs see meah sharim as a jewish settlement, land for peace has never nor will it ever work

  12. One would hope that the current events would finally cause the Zionist elements in UTJ to recognize that their alliance with the settlement entity was always flawed

    The entire Land of Israel is a settlement in the eyes of Moslems and the European brotherhood. Read the stories written by the previous Bostoner Rebbe zt”l about his parents settling in ‘Sharei Chesed’ and ‘Meah Shearim’ the first occupied lands in the early 1900s. The largest city in Yehuda VShomron is Beitar with kiryat Sefer, Modiim, Ariel and Efrat coming up after that…..if you are not including Ramot, Nvei Yakov and Sanhedria in Yerushalayim.

    Just remember the EXISTENCE of the JEW is an anger to the goyim….so take a jump!!!!

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