Cab Driver: ‘Should Have Died’ With Williamsburg couple

cThe driver of the livery cab that was taking an expectant couple to a New York hospital when it was crushed by an oncoming car says he doesn’t know why he’s alive.

In a statement provided Thursday by the New York State Federation of Taxi Drivers, Pedro Nunez says he “should have died” along with Nachman and Raizy Glauber, both 21, who died Sunday. Their premature son, delivered by cesarean section, died Monday.

Nunez was knocked unconscious but was not seriously hurt.

Julio Acevedo, the man accused of driving the car that hit Nunez’s vehicle, was brought back to New York City Thursday after being taken into custody Wednesday in Pennsylvania.

Nunez says he hadn’t slept in days hoping for Acevedo’s arrest.


2 Responses

  1. “”says he “should have died” “”

    Unworthy of repeating.
    Nobody knows anything about the ways of Hashem, whom He wants should live, whom He likes, what He likes, why He does certain things.
    The more we think we know, we realize that we understand absolutely nothing.

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