The Sanzer Rebbe Shlita on ‘Sharing the Burden’

sanz.jpgThe Sanzer Rebbe Shlita is quoted in the weekly BaKehilla commenting on the sharing the burden issue. The rebbe states “Those shouting against lomdei Torah know in their inner hearts that it is not realistic to take all talmidei yeshivos to the army yet HKBH places these words in their hearts so they will not have a חלק ונחלה in our limud Torah.”

Dozens of talmidei Sanz in Netanya are counted among bnei yeshivos receiving draft notices. They talmidim met with the rebbe shlita, hearing words of chizuk while singing עוצו עצה ותופר.

The rebbe explained to the talmidim how the government believes we need them to exist, but this is not so for HKBH will send other shluchim. He explained that the situation existed for over 60 years, and during that time they merited a reward for supporting Torah but now, mamosh at the gateway of Moshiach, it appears that the “Army of Hashem made up of the tzaddikim and lomdei Torah will be established and the others will not be included and the tools of war will no longer be necessary for the enemies will surrender to the koach of Torah.”

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

11 Responses

  1. The Rebbe is not only fighting for his own grandchildren, he’s also fighting for our’s. To keep them out of the dangers of battle, which consists of booby-traps, mines, RPG’s, chemical weapons, etc. We need to protect them.

  2. In reply:

    “Those shouting against sharing the burden know in their inner hearts that it is not realistic to exempt all talmidei yeshivos from the army yet HKBH places these words in their hearts so they will not have a חלק ונחלה in our mitzvot.”

  3. It is not realistic to think that all sons of Chareidim are qualified to sit and learn full-time after high school. The gifted should learn and be exempt from other endeavors…not everyone.

    Someone…please point me to one sugya or blatt that disagrees with this.

  4. to ader; but let the other Jews go into danger to protect us, let other good yidden be booby trapped, let other bnai yeshiva (hesder) be afflicted with chemical weapons…while we sit back and enjoy it all! what a shaneful comment!

  5. The bizarre comments of Ader are exactly the point that the chilonoim are making. It is alright fore their children to face the dangers of battle but not yours. I hope that most charedim are otherwis motivated.

  6. #2:
    “it is not realistic to exempt all talmidei yeshivos from the army”

    That is simply not true. The IDF is B”H rather capable of defending Israel without the Chareidim’s help.

  7. to yagel,

    ever heard of nachal chareidi,

    in essence no one should force anyone to do something they dont want to do be it chiloni or chareidi

  8. The child curses the doctor for injecting him and ten fold when he has surgery how he curses, the parents thank the doctor and laugh from the child.
    May all register in their minds that every word against our Rabonim and Gedolim is compared to the curse of a child against the doctor, in our case the Rabonim and Gedolim are the doctor’s for our dearest our children and the Torah.
    Don’t forget when your son is sent in front lines and was killed and you dream the commader erred you will curse out.

  9. Indeed, one who gives his life to defend Jews is considered a worthy for a ‘Korban.’ That is for minority who have the correct intentions. For the rest, their misguided potential, as R` Berel Soloveitchik put it, is `pigul`

    To sing the praises of the Israeli army for protecting the jewish people is akin to praising of hard snow (e.g. to build an igloo) for saving one from the cold

    (cf. Chazon Ish told mr. Ben Gurion).

  10. I do not understand his comment that “it is not realistic to take all talmidei yeshivos to the army”. Do they really want to take ALL? I thought they wanted to put some very strong restrictions in place, but not to TOTALLY end the exemptions and deferments. What is to be gained by misrepresenting their view? Or am I the one in error?

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