Israel Giving Away More Land, Guns and its Security

bibi2In talks preparing for the March 20, 2013 visit to Jerusalem by US President Barak Obama, Israel has agreed to PA (Palestinian Authority) demands for additional confidence building measures which include permitting the distribution of an additional 600-700 automatic weapons to PA forces.

The PA document listing its demands as a prerequisite to the resumption of talks with Israel was given to US Secretary of State John Kerry by PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas (Abu Mazen). It appears that statements from Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu expressing Israel’s willingness to resume talks without preconditions is just a play on words for the “preconditions” are now being called “confidence building measures”.

Yediot Achronot reports Israeli security officials explain the transfer of additional weapons to the PA will permit its security forces to act against terror forces within the PA. Israel is expected to approve a number of additional measures, including the release of terrorists from prison in exchange for PA guarantees not to take unilateral action during the presidential visit. This refers to threats to turn to the International Court of Justice in The Hague against Israel.

Obama is expected to announce an additional$250 million aid package for the PA, but this will come with a warming that any unilateral acts may result in congress’ refusal to approve the funding. Obama will explain the funding is intended to assist alleviate the PA’s dire financial situation.

The PA is also seeking to open eight additional police stations throughout areas “B” and “C”, both under total Israeli security control. The PA claims that the areas have become cities of refuge for criminals in the PA, realizing they can hide from PA forces with impunity. Jerusalem is expected to approve some of the stations, as well as approving the handover of additional areas of Yehuda and Shomron to total PA autonomous control.

PA demands for the release of terrorists are set at 1,000, realizing the pressure of the US presidential visit work’s to Ramallah’s benefit.

“Sources in Jerusalem” quoted by Yediot Achronot explain that the demands surrounding the US presidential visit are “minor issues” intended as “confidence building measures” and the main objective will be the political process that follows the visit. Discussions are already taking place in the Prime Minister’s Office as to the steps that will be taken accompanying the resumption of talks, and this includes a possible building freeze outside the settlement bloc areas.”

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

5 Responses

  1. 1. PA have enough guns since israeli gvt was giving them for past 20 years
    2. for PA criminals are arabs who sell land to Jews and of course they hide in B and C areas
    3. no confidence building measures are needed, because PA will forever threatened to go to Hague to get money, known as racket

  2. More proof that the headline writer does not read the artciles…nowhere, absolutely nowhere is it indicated that “israel is giving away more land” as is sugested by gthe headline. STOP WRITING SENSATIONSALIST HEADLINES gthat have nothing to do with the articles.

  3. In the middle of this 3rd intifada israel has to supply the enemy with guns to supplement the molotov coctails they threw.

  4. Wow, how sad is it that the next time an Israeli gets shot, the government can honestly say, “Hey we recognize those bullets. If I’m not mistaken, we shipped it to the Palestinians 3 hours ago! What a coincidence…”

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