Litzman on Lapid: Whatever We Do It Won’t Be Enough for Lapid

litzmanDeputy Health Minister Yaakov Litzman explains “even if chareidim enlisted into the IDF at age 13, he would demand cutting their beards. If they complied, he would then demand they are mechalel Shabbos”. Litzman insists it has nothing to do with sharing the burden, but Lapid’s agenda is to rid himself of the chareidim.

“We were burned by Lapid in the previous generation, when he placed 700,000 children under the poverty line and now he wishes to bring that to 1.5 million. Undoubtedly if there is a question where to cut, from monthly allowances or elsewhere, we will select elsewhere.”

“I don’t like when they deceive us. It began with the sharing the burden and today, it’s about banning the chareidim. No one is talking about sharing the burden now. It was all about throwing the chareidim out.”

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

7 Responses

  1. I think that these comments are atrocious. First, because they are bold lies, second because “cutting their beards” is a subtle (maybe not so subtle) reminder of the Nazis jemch shemom. It is dsigraceful to hint that another jew -who has not shown any inclination to do what is alleged- is a nazi. Shame on Yaakobv Litzman!

  2. First they came for the chareidim,
    and I didn’t speak out because I wasn’t a chareidi.

    Then they came for the sephardim,
    and I didn’t speak out because I wasn’t a sephardi.

    Then they came for the chardalim,
    and I didn’t speak out because I wasn’t a chardalnik.

    Then they came for me,
    and there was no one left to speak for me.

  3. Not true. If all the frum Jews left Israel, or stopped being frum, Lapid would be delighted. Certainly, Lapid is acting much more reasonably than Haman or Hitler.

    Bennett is much more of a moderate. He wants the frum Jews to stay, be a little less frum, learn not quite so much Torah, and take up schechting Arabs. He’s almost reasonable, compared to Lapid.

  4. Mr Litzman should put his own house in order instead of bashing lapid. True the lapids among us will continue to persecute us. After all – by our keeping Torah we are making a statement that that is the way a jew should live – and we remind every Jew who isn’t living that way that he is a sinner. But even though we have much to be proud of we have become a welfare community and have not come up with any creative solutions of our own how to raise ourselves out of our poverty and that’s a fact that Litzman and every charedi has to deal with

  5. Pretty Boy, like his father before him, is a hater. He is an uneducated and unaccomplished clown. This promoter of equal military service spent his time in the IDF sitting in a Public Relations office. Usually people like him come out of such cushy jobs as mid level officers. The best he could do was sergeant. Pretty Boy is the tool of the New Israel Foundation and the New Israel they want is one empty of Torah and filled with Arabs.

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