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Ariel Offered Housing Ministry Portfolio

As Likud/Beitenu continues efforts to bring Bayit HaYehudi into the coalition, the position of minister of housing was offered to the dati leumi party for its number two man, Uri Ariel, a post held in past governments by Shas. Prior to the election Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu announced that Shas would not get the ministry in the next government and it appears he is being true to his word.

For now, much of the information being released and leaked to the media may include intentional disinformation. Likud/Beitenu is clearly releasing messages of optimism while in the Bayit Yehudi camp; the tone appears to be more of cautious limited optimism regarding a deal to enter the coalition. In addition, no mention is being made of Yesh Atid, Bennett’s partner in the share the burden battle.

At present, Likud/Beitenu is negotiating with Bennett’s party, but it is not negotiating with Yesh Atid or Kadima. Bayit Yehudi negotiators are briefing the others on the talks. Bayit Yehudi negotiator Uri Ariel also confirms reports that his party has expressed objections regarding the coalition agreement signed with Tzipi Livni and her The Movement Party.

While Bennett continues to express his loyalty to Yesh Atid, that party’s leader MK Yair Lapid may see himself remaining outside the coalition even if Bennett reaches agreement. Channel 2 News reported on Tuesday night the eve of 17 Adar 5773 that Lapid is working to enlist support for the position of head of the opposition, apparently viewing this as a real possibility. To date, it was assumed the opposition was going to be lead by Labor Party leader Shelly Yacimovich.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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