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HaGaon HaRav Shteinman Shlita: 5 Days of Limud to Stop the Gezeira

In his letter written on Purim, HaGaon HaRav Aaron Yehuda Leib Shteinman Shlita calls on bnei Torah to increase their limud Torah as well as mentioning increased adherence to the mitzvos of Shabbos.

The Gadol Hador then turns to the bnei yeshivos to make an effort to have five continuous days of learning towards abolishing the harsh decree seeking to compel the draft of bnei Torah into the IDF.

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(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

7 Responses

  1. If all the Talmudim would spend 5 days learning Chassidus, than nobody in the world would have a Gzeiro of army service. There would be 100% Peace in the World.
    Chassidus includes Tanya, Likutei Torah, Meimorim of all the Nesiei Chabad, and Likutei Sichos.

  2. But if this doesn’t work, next comes civil disobedience.
    Then things get “interesting” (cf. famous curse, may you live in
    “interesting” times).

  3. To: chacham
    Yes, but we need special Zechusim, so that no Mother of any child should ever have to see her precious child sent off to the dangers of war. So we should really undertake the five continuous days.

  4. “so that no Mother of any child should ever have to see her precious child sent off to the dangers of war.”

    And what of the secular or religious zionists who send their children to the dangers of war.

  5. #1, I hate to break it to you, Chassidus is only a part of Torah. There is Shas, Bavli, yerushalmi, Tenach, Rishonim and Achronim that you seem to forget. Chabbad teachings are only a part of Torsh. Its not all the Torah

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