Photo Essay: Expanding The Boro Park Eruv, To Include Areas Where Yidden Are Beginning To Move (Photos by JDN)

17 Responses

  1. Why is it that when it comes to anything regarding the Har haBayis, YWN makes sure to include a disclaimer in bold on the bottom of each post reminding everyone that Gedolim have opposed it, but when it comes to an eruv in Brooklyn, there is no disclaimer reminding everyone that according to the Gadol haDor of the previous generation, R’ Moshe Feinstein zt”l, utilizing such an eruv is chillul Shabbos d’oraysa?

  2. Based on the pictures provided, I see they stretched the so-called eruv down Avenue I all the way to the Strettener Bais Medrash on Bay Parkway. How convenient. Hmmm. Interesting. Velicheh rabbunim give their hechsher shtemple for this?

  3. dass moshe
    because regarding har habais its unanimous …by gedolim in our circles
    by the eirov its not. this does not in anyway minimize in the holy igros moshe

  4. Your headline is false and misleading.

    “Where Yidden are beginning to move”

    Excuse me?!
    Have you been hiding under a rock?
    Frum Yidden have been living on Ocean Parkway for close to a century!
    What they mean to say is CHASSIDIM are barely beginning to move to Flatbush! Stop with the PR spin moves! The Flatbush Rabbanim are very clear in their protest AGAINST the eruv, regardless of what the new cutting edge Chassidishe rabbonim of Boro Park believe.

  5. To the above comments written by some ignoramus. Firstly the biggest Rbonim of boro park includiing rav yechezkel roth, rav tzinner, rav katz and many others, not only hold its premissble to construct an eruv, they hold its a mitzvah. Any rav has a right to pasken acording to his derech in halachah, as is the case to many psakim from rav moshe that many disagree with, there is no reason why they are mechuyiv to follow his shitah.
    Secondly many rabonim hold even rav moshe would agree to an eruv if he wouldn’t have been lied to.
    In short ywn is right not to mix into politics, and let everyone follow ther own rav, as they do in all areas of halachah. (And don’t comment on something you know nothing about).

    Moderators Note: YWN mixed into politics? We he published a photo gallery.

  6. To all complaining people here : let’s stop fighting, it’s enough…
    Why doesn’t it bother you when someone turns on a light motzei shabbes 60 minuets after shkia ? Same d’oreisa.
    I doubt that what bothers people her is kvod shamayim…

  7. Where yidden are beginning to move????? Do you mean lakewood, The 5 towns, Toms River, Passaic,. If some askonim don’t do something fast, a good portion of what is now Boro Park will be Chinese and Arab in a few years. In the 50’s the chinese already have crossed over to 11th avenue on some blocks. did you go recently to Mcdonald and Ave c next to Belz its all arab.

  8. To the moderators it was a compliment.
    I wrote: In short ywn is right *not* to mix into politics,
    Meaning that ywn published the photos, and didn’t write anything about it being a machlokes.
    No need to post this comment

  9. Now that YWN recklessly showed pictures of where the eiruv is located, the hooligans will have no difficulty in destroying the eiruv. For the sake of peace, I hope I am proven wrong.

  10. DaMoshe,

    “According to the Gadol haDor of the previous generation, R’ Moshe Feinstein zt”l, utilizing such an eruv is chillul Shabbos d’oraysa”

    Many Gadolim including one the greatest Poskim that lived in the neighborhood, Rav Tuvia Goldstien ZTL stated clearly that the Eruv nowadays is sufficient even according to Rav Moshe.
    So before going on and ranting, study the subject, how a city encompassed with three walls plus is indeed considered a Reshus HaYachid d’O’raysa.

    Psak is not decided by proclamations but by asking your posek.

  11. There are a number of arguments whether Ocean Parkway is a rshus horabim.
    If cars are counted in the 600,000 people or they are separate rshus, whether intersecting roads interfere, traffic lights stop movement, and houses around limit movement.

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