Olmert Comes Out Loud & Clear in Support of the Chareidim

During his participation in the bar mitzvah of Shas director-general, Nati Lasri, former Prime Minister Ehud Olmert spoke with the media sending a resounding message of support for the chareidi tzibur at large during a time the chareidim are under heavy criticism regarding the share the burden issue.

The former prime minister stated “To my good fortune, in all the positions I have held with Hashem’s help I fought for equality, and that includes this tzibur. This is now stated as an empty slogan, but a way of life.”

Olmert added “those learning Torah with mesirus nefesh as their way of life” must continue doing so for they protect Am Yisrael and Eretz Yisrael. Olmert continued with words of praise for the rabbonim too, speaking of “Those who lead and direct them.”

He added “Some will criticize my words today, saying it is easy for me to speak since I am not in office but who can testify better than you here that when I was in office this is how I conducted myself all the time.” He spoke of the need to address the chareidi tzibur with the appropriate kovod and respect, highlighting the absolute necessity to preserve our tradition.

“I do not want to and don’t need to get into political arguments. You know how I feel and how I conduct myself and you understand just what I mean.” Olmert cited that he always worked to permitting the chareidim to preserve their lifestyle and by doing so, the limud Torah protects everyone.

One of the senior Shas members preset is quoted as saying “He was without question the best leader concerning the needs of the chareidi tzibur.”

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

3 Responses

  1. 1. He is discredited, retired, and of no political significance.

    2. One doesn’t insult one’s hosts, or guests, at a simcha.

  2. At the least someone even if it is Olmert comes out and says it, it is time to treat each other with the appropriate kovod and respect, look at ourselfs, it is shameful that we all can not show our fellow Yidden respect!

  3. Yeah you right but the later one said that Olmert always conducted himself properly with the chareidi tzibur… So why not lecaf zchus?

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