Lakewood Police Preparations for Purim 2013

Light Towers Out Motzie Shabbos

14th St. and Forest Avenue

14th St. and Case Road

14th Street and Cedar Row

Courtney and Clifton Avenue (Chaveirim)

Portable Speed Boards

Sunset Ave (southbound)

14th St. (westbound)

Changed Traffic Patterns During Purim

6th St ONE WAY westbound from Private Way to Lakewood Avenue.

Lawrence Avenue ONE WAY southbound from E 11th St. to E 9th St.

For all those going around and collecting Tzedaka or delivering Mishloach Manos during the evening, please wear reflective belts so that you will be highly visible to motorists when crossing streets. Please enjoy the holiday but do not attempt to drive a vehicle if you have been drinking any type of an alcoholic beverage. There is zero tolerance on this since you would be risking your life as well as the lives of others.

Freilichen Purim – Chief Rob Lawson.

(YWN Desk – NYC)

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