Shas’ Aryeh Deri is quoted telling faction members the party’s Moetzas Gedolei Torah will not permit entering the coalition if the Kandel share the burden plan is adopted. This refers to the plan formulated by Prof. Eugene Kandel, a plan that includes leveling sanctions for non-compliance with new draft regulations against mosdos that do not permit talmidim to enter the IDF such as canceling tax-exempt status for donations and eliminating reductions in arnona property tax.
The plan will also compel mosdos to install a biometric reader to compel talmidim to sign in and out daily, permitting authorities to monitor who is really learning and who is just avoiding IDF service.
Kandel’s plan calls for granting additional benefits for yeshivos in which talmidim comply with the new law, which means if the biometric reader shows talmidim are learning as they should, or alternatively, those not learning are reporting to an induction center.
It will be interesting to see what Yahadut Hatorah will do, as the latter stated it has a mutual agreement with Shas by which they only enter the coalition with the other, and not independent of the other.
(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)
4 Responses
Forget sanctions, draft, biometric scanners and other statist schemes. Just allow chareidim to work without fear of draft and they will be able to support themselves on their own.
It’s funny that the same people who claim that chareidim are parasites are also against allowing them to work. Well, what do you expect?
The only solution is to end conscription.
All the zionists are doing is trying to force Shas and the two Ashkenazi parties to join up with the Eidah Hareidis and Neturei Karta.
They are also forcing out the chardalim. They’ll just end up with, not modern orthodox, but more like YCT Open Orthodox.
All the zionists are doing is trying to force Shas and the two Ashkenazi parties to join up with the Eidah Hareidis and Neturei Karta.
NEVER HAPPEN, they will join up with Chardal groups or the Tov party guys from BS.