Israel’s Media Watch is calling on Galei Tzahal (Army Radio) to apologize to its listening audience, particularly the chareidi tzibur. It has called on the station’s director to make this apology.
The request refers to a case in the news over recent weeks in which there were allegations of a horrific assault against a small child on her way to school by a member of the chareidi community in Modi’in Illit, an attack which reportedly occurred in a shul or beis medrash. The news received widespread media coverage based on the Galei Tzahal reports.
The extensive coverage led to the usual interviews with experts in the media, and widespread judgmental statements and conclusions, and of course condemnations. At the end, police learned there was no horrific attack against the girl and the complaint was the act of a woman who felt this was a legitimate way to bring attention to the issue of abuse and attacks against children.
As such, Media Watch feels Galei Tzahal owes an apology to the public at large, particularly the chareidim who were bashed for days on national radio, in the print and electronic media, as a result of the Galei Tzahal reports.
(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)
2 Responses
When this story was first publicized, I warned people that there was no evidence of anything, just a story. Now it comes out that this is exactly what it was, a story.
Along with Israel’s Torah hating media, those who wrote condemnations and calls for all sorts of vicious actions to be taken against the Torah community, should also apologize. Most likely they will not.
It is most unfortunate that it takes so little to bring the Torah haters out from under the rocks where they usually hide. It is also unfortunate that when they crawl out and appear in comments here they hide behind infantile pseudonymous. I do not understand the mentality of people who hide their identity. Are all of you so ashamed of who you are?
They won’t apologize because they have an agenda against chareidim and it is OK for them to lie or steal or anything in order to further that agenda.
It’s not OK for YOU to lie, not because lying is wrong, but because you are not part of the Cause. But if you were doing it for the Cause then it is OK to lie and perfectly understandable!