Tough Times Impacts Mishloach Manos in Eretz Yisrael

Difficult economic times will impact Purim a Yifat Institute poll shows as 10% of the respondents indicated they are cutting back in mishloach manos due to today difficult economic realities. The 10% of respondents admitting they will cut back estimated the cut will be significant, between 30-50%. Even sadder is the 2% of the respondents who admitted for a first time, they will not be sending any misloach manos due to their dire economic situation.

Of those who will not be sending misloach manos at all, 6.3% live in Yerushalayim. The largest group of residents admitting they will cut back comes from southern Israel, 13.6%.

The poll was commissioned by Chasdei Naomi, one of the largest tzedaka organizations in Eretz Yisrael that delivers food packages to the needy. The poll reveals that 58% of Israelis send misloach manos, and in Yerushalayim that number climbs to 73%. In Gush Dan it drops to 55% and in the southern area, 61%

How much do you spend on mishloach manos?

28% – up to 50 NIS

26% – between 50-100 NIS

14% – 100-150 NIS

7% – 150-200 NIS

25% – Over 200 NIS

Among those spending up to 50 NIS for misloach manos:

31% – are women

24% – are men

Among those spending over 200 NIS for misloach manos:

31% – are men

22% – are women

When ask to cite the origin for the custom of sending mishloach manos:

· 68% stated it is related to the reading of the Megillah.

· 8% stated the Jews in Shushan were poor and hungry so we send food packages today.

· 2% After Human was hanged, the Jews raided his home and distributed the food they found to the poor

· 2.5% explained in Shushan, there were so many hamantashen and they did not know what to do with all of them. Therefore, the decision was made to make packages to distribute.

· 20% simply admit that they do not know the source of the custom.

NOTE: There is no explanation provided for the fact that the percentage numbers do not add up.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

2 Responses

  1. The “magbit purim” chareidi bochrim collecting purim time from chareidim, netted 4 years ago 32 mil NIS.

    This in a country where people don’t give tzedakah. As a returning Israeli consular general lamented`, Israelis as opposed to other jews “lack a culture of philanthropy”

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