Betar Illit’s ‘Tznius Patrol’ in the Headlines

Police are investigating suspicions of a tznius patrol operating in Betar Illit, a patrol whose members have already threatened city residents. According to a Kikar Shabbat report, the members of the modesty patrol use threatening and bully tactics to get their message across to those who they feel are not complying with the tzibur’s tznius standards, not just speaking about dress code, in this case, in dealing with high risk youths, those unfortunate individuals who have strayed from the path.

Betar Illit Mayor Meir Rubinstein was summoned to police on Monday morning 8 Adar 5773 along with a number of rabbonim in the city, members of “The Badatz”, to discuss policy in dealing with problematic youths in the city. Police also arrived in Betar on Monday and confiscated a computer from a city office as the rabbonim traveled to the police 443 Lahav Command.

The report adds it appears police are investigating alleged wrongdoing in the city’s facility which deals with problematic juveniles under the direction of Nissim Hadad. The report says in the past he was the subject of reports criticizing his methodology in dealing with the problematic youths, which at times includes violence. It is assumed that one of these youths decided to get back at him and filed an official complaint with police.

Asked to comment on his way to the police, Mayor Rubinstein is quoted as saying,

.”יקירנו ואהובנו”, והוסיף, “אשרינו שנתפסנו על דברי תורה”

It appears the undercover police investigation has been ongoing for a number of months, and they have gathered sufficient evidence to call in the city’s mayor and rabbonim for their statements on the matter.

Betar City Hall released a statement to the media that askanim only work בדרכי נועם ובמאור פנים. The statement adds that the city’s Social Services unit runs facilities to address the special needs of the problematic youth, working with professionals in the field towards developing appropriate programming towards ‘להאהיב שם שמיים’.

Nevertheless, it is true that not all those requiring the service are cooperative and at times, there are ‘incidents’.

The city officials continue in the media statement to boast the success of the program and the mesirus nefesh involved in dealing with high risk youths.

Walla News adds that two men were arrested and they will be remanded on Tuesday, 9 Adar 5773.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

5 Responses

  1. The authorities won’t gain control over this problem until they stop trying to rationalize this problem as a bunch of OTD or “high risk” kids. This type of intimidating behavior is mamash physical or verbal “assault” and should be treat in the same way the same punishment. These bochurim (since I don’t read of any girls engaged in this behavior)are not doing this l’shem torah. They are seeking to bully and frighten others to show their power and need to be squashed once and for all. I have no problems with posting signs in certain neighborhoods politely asking visitors to dress modestly but thats where I would draw the line.

  2. #1 –

    I don’t see anything in this article claiming (or rationalizing) that this is being done by “a bunch of OTD or “high risk” kids”. It does appear that the mayor is backing them, and that there is no bullying or frightening. Read the article.

  3. When will these tznius patrols (I openly question their l’shem shomayim!!) realize they, derech hateva, are a major CAUSE of the OTDs!!

    Unfortunately they will come to their senses achar meah v’esrim when they are shown how many nishomos went OFF because of them!

  4. I see all the comments are reacting in one direction. The truth is that this Police investigation is financial and financial only. It appears that the Council used funding earmarked for other uses for working with these boys. There does not seem to be anything improper with the methods used in trying to help these boys and actually Betar is considered one of the better chareidi cities for youth programs (as set up by the former Mayor Yitzchok Pindrus). That is the reason that the Mayor was called in for questioning as it is in his council that money has been used incorrectly.

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