MK Shaked: Likud is Insulting Our Intelligence

Speaking with Israel Radio on Sunday morning 7 Adar 5773, MK (Bayit Yehudi) Ayelet Shaked spoke of the party’s values and the ongoing coalition talks. She denies radio host allegations that Bayit Yehudi is simply rejecting Likud offers systematically, explaining the party is working to remain loyal to voters and act in the state’s best interests.


Are you willing to enter into a coalition with chareidim?


We have no opposition to chareidim. They are our brothers.

(Speaking with Channel 2 a number of weeks ago, Shaked explaining that chareidim will have to become acquainted with a new reality, one that includes military service and joining the workforce.)

Regarding giyur, we feel that leniency must be the policy whenever possible, and not placing stumbling blocks before candidates involved in conversion.

(Shaked released statements a month ago calling for the establishment of a system that will permit marriage between those classified as ‘non-eligible’ by the Chief Rabbinate of Israel, including Jews wishing to intermarry.)

We will not be bought out with offers of cabinet posts. That is not what it is about for us. We will remain true to our ideology.


Does Bayit Yehudi remain firm in its support to the Yair Lapid share the burden plan?


I have studied Yesh Atid’s plan along with the plan presented by Professor Kandel. I am confident that we can find a workable solution in which all three of us (Likud/Beitenu, Bayit HaYehudi, and Yesh Atid) can agree, and then bring this plan for sharing the burden to the chareidim to join as well. I do not support Lapid’s plan as it is today.


What about statements from Merkaz HaRav Rosh Yeshiva Rabbi Yaakov Shapira Shlita warning about harming bnei yeshivot?


Likud is working to influence rabbonim in our camp. The party is not built this way. The politicians make the decisions [not the rabbonim].


Everything that has to do with Likud is a matter of principle according to you. As the name Likud is mentioned you guys seem to raise your guard. Is this so?


We have absolutely nothing against Likud. PM Netanyahu is the most qualified to run the country today. We are working to remain true to voters and act in the best interests of the state. The prime minister is quite talented and if he so desires, he will find the way to include us as well as the chareidim in the new coalition.

On her Facebook page, Shaked writes “Likud says that the Bennett/Lapid agreement represents voter fraud. How much can one insult the public’s intelligence?

“Bayit Yehudi announced it would support Netanyahu and recommend him to the president for the mandate to form a coalition. We did just that despite the Likud’s campaign against us. If Netanyahu wishes he can form a coalition including our party very quickly.

“What does the tzibur get back from Likud, offering Shelly Yacimovich the treasury position? That isn’t voter fraud? For years Yacimovich and Netanyahu have been telling us just how different their views on the economy area. Now, suddenly, he is willing to agree to a plan for the economy that will cost 138 billion NIS. Has Netanyahu become a social democrat?

“This is not all – offering Tzipi Livni to close a deal as the first coalition partner. Is this how one conducts negotiations? Davka Tzipi Livni, whose agenda is the formation of Palestine including dividing up portions of Yerushalayim – Nu, give me a break.

“Our Likud friends, please, the campaign is over. Stop attacking Bayit Yehudi and simply establish a government”.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

2 Responses

  1. “Davka Tzipi Livni, whose agenda is the formation of Palestine including dividing up portions of Yerushalayim – Nu, give me a break.”

    Yair Lapid: The greatest tragedy of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is that everyone knows how it will end. We will divide up the region. Israel will return most of the West Bank, and the Palestinian flag will fly on public buildings in East Jerusalem. The only unanswered question is how many more people will have to die along the way. And so we will fight against the extremists on both sides, including our extremists, the settlers. When you look at the history of wars, they ultimately revolve around one claim: “My god is better than yours.”

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