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Jerusalem: When City Hall Lacks a Minimum of Menchlich Sensitivity

Chareidi women, like women from other sectors, are called to Jerusalem City Hall annually to spend a day, a continuing education type of event. In this case, the frum women who run nursery programs in their communities were compelled to remain seated to earn credit for the day as they were shown a very immodest mixed dancing film. According to a Kikar Shabbos report the words “parutz, exposed and immodest are mild understatements” – compelled to watch what was described as “to’eva dancing”.

Some of the women asked to leave during the airing of the film. They were told if they leave they will be docked a day’s pay and they will be compelled to return to watch the film on another day.

The move may beg the question how such a policy can be compelled on frum women when there are 12 frum councilmen in Jerusalem City Hall; nevertheless, this was the reality for these unfortunate women.

Chareidi Deputy Mayor Shlomo Braska sent a sharply worded letter to Mayor Nir Barkat, expressing his shock over the incident and the total lack of religious sensitivity exhibited by the city agency.

He requested that an appropriate program be created for the chareidi daycare workers, no different than was done for women from the capital’s Arab sector, who are also unwilling to see a to’eva performance.

There has been no response from City Hall at the time of publication.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

8 Responses

  1. can there be any other explanation than a desire to undermine yiddeshkeit yet all the lib come abduction attack us for making the claim. they should have walked out and made clear that Torah values are not for compromising

  2. As the end of the haters of Torah draws closer and closer, they are becoming desperate and bizarre. They are desperate to do anything possible to harm the Torah community. Why do nursery school teachers need to see a dance movie at all? How will this improve their professional competence? This is the same desperate hatred that forces soldiers to listen to women singing. There is no interest in anything other than to insult and annoy Torah people.

  3. There is a necessity to demand proper seminars and classes that are not an offensive to religious observance. Modern people today do not understand what is and why it is offensive…

  4. And this if from the city government of a city with close to 50% hareidim! Imagine what happens in the IDF with conscripts, and a leadership that by design will always be haredi-free?

  5. Does the Charedi veldt really have room to complain about someone else not being mench-like? When, instead of ignoring a few women who want to wear a tallis (which is even allowed by some sources) when it doesn’t affect them one bit, they shriek for the women to be arrested and forcibly removed?

    There’s a saying about reaping what one sows…

  6. Do secular Israelis, whose claim to Israel is that they conquered the land from the Arabs, have any room to complain when the arabs try to conquer it back?

    Do secular Israelis, whose claim to Israel is that it was granted to them by the UN, have any room to complain when the UN is now against Israel?

    There’s a saying about reaping what one sows…

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