The Importance of Good Copy and Tips On How To Write It

The following article is part of a new series presented by Jewish Content Network which will discuss business ideas, marketing advice, and feature new business technologies, in an effort to help small business and organizations thrive and succeed. 

The first time I heard the word copywriting, I didn’t even know what it meant. I thought it had something to do with not stealing other people’s music. Turns out that’s spelled copyrighting, and it’s a different thing.

Copywriting is the art of using words to convince people to buy from you.

Any time you’re not physically in front of someone, or on the phone with them, you’ve got to use written words to convince them to part with their hard-earned money. Every digital ad campaign includes words that persuade people to sell on your ads, in your articles in your landing pages.

So getting the copy right (not copyright!) in your ads can make all difference in your campaign.

At the Jewish Content Network, we recognize the importance of good copy, and have begun offering writing services to our clients, as part of our commitment to helping people run the best advertising campaigns possible.

Here are some things to keep in mind whenever you’re writing marketing and sales text:


This should go without saying, but making sure your sentences are worded correctly, structured properly, and have no typos, is a crucial first step to making sure readers even understand what you’re talking about. Well-written copy implies professionalism, and increases your reader’s trust in what you offer.


There is a time for writing fancy 12th grade prose to impress your high school teacher. This is not that time. To write great sales copy, try as much as you can to write like you talk. Hear the voice in your head and put it on the page. A conversational, as opposed to an academic or technical tone, is much closer to how you’d actually talk to people in real life.

Start with the problem

Why do people buy anything, ever? Because they are solving a problem. Some problems are obvious, like hunger or a flat tire. Some problems are less obvious – fancy clothes? To solve, or preempt the problem called social alienation.

Your first job when writing copy, is to explain to potential clients that they even have a problem. Again, if they are looking for a house to live in you, you don’t need to stress the problem as much as you do if you are marketing a new music app.

So put yourself in your reader’s shoes. Emphathize with their world view. What are their concerns, challenges, desires? What keeps them up at night? The more you can channel them, the better you’ll be able to articulate their problem.

Explain how you’re the solution

Now that you’ve stoked the fires of their problem, it’s time to swoop in and save the day. Explain, simply and concisely, how you solve their problems.

A common piece of marketing advice is to discuss benefits, not features. No one wants to know how many lines of code your website has, or even how many buttons your robot vacuum cleaner comes with. They want to know that it gets the job done – fast.

It’s often surprising, considering it’s what you do all day, how hard it is to articulate the benefits of what you do. But articulate it you must, and in the process you’ll find that this clarity overflows to other aspect of your business as well.

Call to action

The prospect gets it now. They have a problem. They need your amazing solution. They need it now.

It’s time for the call to action.

I’ve been to so many sites where I’m like “how do I buy? Take my money!” but I can’t quite figure out how. Don’t be that site. Make it stupidly clear to everyone what the next step is, whether it’s picking up the phone or emailing you. Give them multiple options if you can. But invite them to do it now.

The best calls to action are very simple, and it’s usually just a matter of remembering to include them.

  • “Get a quote today”
  • “Click here now”
  • “Contact us here to find out more”

Are all acceptable variations that come to mind.

So there you have it. Keep these points in mind and you’re copy will already be significantly improved.

Chaim Chernoff is the Chief Marketing Officer at the Jewish Content Network. Always on the lookout for latest digital marketing trends, Chaim aims to help businesses expand their presence and grow their business in the digital world.  Do you have marketing questions? Send an email to: [email protected]

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