High Alert Continues in Yerushalayim

22:30 IL: Despite earlier reports, police and other agencies in Yerushalayim remain on high alert at this time in light of intelligence reports of a planned terror attack.

Israel news reported on Tuesday evening 2 Adar 5773 the intelligence information that sparked the terror alert in the capital “was general, not specific” surrounding reports that a suicide terrorist was planning an attack. There were reports earlier that a terrorist left the Issawiya neighborhood in the eastern capital, on his way to carry out and attack.

Earlier in the evening there were reports the terror alert was lifted, but it is now learned this is not the case and police, EMS and other agencies are still engaged in a manhunt for a terrorist believed to be planning an attack.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

One Response

  1. may HASHEM be with them to catch the terrorists before they do any harm. a segulah for protection would be to teach good hashkafa to our children since the only way these people end up doing these acts of terror is because they were taught by others bad hashkafa.

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