MK Stern: There are Too Many Hesder Talmidim

For those seeking to pull bnei yeshiva away from limud Torah, you cannot accuse them of discrimination against one stream or another, for their goal appears to close the Gemaras in both the chareidi and dati leumi yeshivos alike.

Speaking to an assembly of Torah V’Avoda followers, MK (The Movement) Elazar Stern expressed his sorrow of the fact that there are too many talmidim in hesder yeshivot. He made a point of saying one should not extrapolate from his words that he objects to hesder yeshivot for this is not so, but he feels there are currently too many.

A retired IDF Chief of Personnel Branch, Stern, who defines himself as dati leumi, worked during his last years in the military to shut down the hesder program. He explained at the time he feels that all the troops must be integrated and the segregation of the shomer shabbos forces was not in the interest of the IDF or religious Jewry.

Stern feels that while any and all positions in the IDF must be available to men and women alike, he admits there are differences between them and that is why the service of a male and female in Golani is not the same. He does not oppose women wishing to be in Golani but he does not encourage such service.

He explained there are differences and that is a fact and before we can seek equal service for men and women in Golani, “let’s see if men and women play against one another in the Rio De Janeiro Soccer Olympics. He stated this will not occur due to the simple fact that men and women are created differently. Even in the 2016 volley ball competition this will not be the case. The men and women compete separately.”

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

3 Responses

  1. This appears to be an attempt to rhetorically even-the-playing-field. “I am dati and I myself believe too much of this Yeshiva business is not a good thing, not in the best interest of us collectively, yada yada, and I even learned there myself! So I am a wonderful spokesman for the kowtowing lackey puppets of the center who are perhaps too cowardly to back the chareidi position, i.e, the gedolim, who seem to be of the few who see this whole movement for the slippery slope that it may be destined to become. He’d rather cave. See his very off-track response to the issue of women serving. What is this, a question of whether women are physically up to the job? This is not the NYPD, Adon Stern, this is a nation of bnot melachim – where’s mention of respect for Halacha?!

  2. Elazar Stern was the head of the IDF’s Manpower Division during the Gaza expulsion. He was hand picked by Sharon because he is religious.

  3. In a Jewish state, every unit would be a “hesder” unit . The concept of someone devoting their life to learning how to be a soldier and neglecting Torah is extemely “un-Jewish.”

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