A Comprehensive Peace with the PA is an Impossibility

Speaking on the Channel 2 TV Meet the Press program on motzei Shabbos 1 Rosh Chodesh Adar 5773, Yisrael Beitenu leader Avigdor Lieberman stated “It is impossible to reach a comprehensive peace agreement with the PA (Palestinian Authority).”

Lieberman addressed those “who believe a magical agreement can be reached with the PA,” but he stated this is simply not a possibility. He feels the more realistic scenario is to work towards achieving a very long term interim agreement that if successful, would serve as the basis for the final status agreement down the road.

In another PA matter, talks in Cairo broke down with an agreement on Saturday between Hamas and Fatah, which are trying to reach a coalition agreement. Hamas is accusing Abu Mazen of stalling until President Barak Obama arrives in the regional in the springtime, hoping the US leader will jumpstart talks with Israel.

Fatah officials are signaling that Abu Mazen will in the immediate future instruct the PA’s Central Election Committee to prepare for elections, to make an announcement of the agreed upon date within 45 days.

Hamas officials are angered, stating a resumption of talks between Fatah and Hamas will mark an abrupt end to the progress made between the rival factions towards agreement. Hamas has called upon the international community to recognize the results of the PA elections regardless of who is in power, confident Hamas’ growing popularity in PA autonomous areas will oust Fatah from power in those areas as is the case in Gaza today.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

3 Responses

  1. Not necessarily.

    The Palestinians would have to give up the idea of driving all the Jews into the sea. The Israelis would have to give up the idea that they can lord over the Arabs. There’s room for compromise, especially for orthodox Jews for whom being able to boss around Arabs is a low priority.

  2. #1:

    “The Palestinians would have to give up the idea of driving all the Jews into the sea.”

    That will never happen.

    “The Israelis would have to give up the idea that they can lord over the Arabs.”

    This idea doesn’t exist, so it’s done.

    “There’s room for compromise, especially for orthodox Jews for whom being able to boss around Arabs is a low priority.”

    We will have to learn to compromise with ourselves, first, before we compromise with the Arabs. And, if we DO compromise with ourselves, then Moshiach will come, and the entire issue will be moot.

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