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Coalition Talks Dead-Ended Following Round One

After completing the first round of coalition talks, meeting with all the parties, it appears the talks are dead-ended. As such, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu is meeting with Yisrael Beitenu leader Avigdor Lieberman to coordinate their position and round two will most likely begin with the party they feel is closest to signing on.

Unofficial reports indicate that The Movement (Tzipi Livni) and Kadima (Shaul Mofaz) with eight combined seats are closer to signing on than Shas, Yahadut Hatorah, Bayit HaYehudi or Yesh Atid. Labor has already announced it prefers to remain in the opposition, as is the case with the Arab parties and the left-wing Meretz Party. The share the burden issue is presenting a formidable challenge, especially if Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu wishes to include the chareidim as well as Yesh Atid and Bayit HaYehudi.

Lieberman is reportedly fed up with the brazenness of Yesh Atid and its demands as the party flexes its 19-seat political muscle, and Lieberman is pushing the prime minister in the direction of Shas.

Speaking with radio host Nissim Meshal, Yesh Atid’s number 2 man Rabbi Shai Piron stated that renewing talks with the PA (Palestinian Authority) is essential for his party to enter the coalition.

Despite Lieberman’s position of influence, the prime minister prefers Lapid over the chareidim for Lapid’s position on the critical issues is more easily digested by the Likud leader than the hashkafa of the chareidi parties.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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