Eichler Turns to Labor to Join the Coalition

Yahadut Hatorah’s Rav Yisrael Eichler has issued a call to the Labor Party to enter into coalition talks. Labor leader Shelly Yacimovich has already announced that she will not enter a coalition headed by Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, preferring to remain in opposition.

Eichler is calling on the Labor leader to change her mind and take part in coalition talks for he feels the chareidi party and Labor have a great deal in common. Eichler commented on the treasury’s plan to significantly slash monthly child allowances, a move that would seriously impact chareidi homes. Labor, which favors socialism over capitalism sees eye-to-eye on many key economic issues with the elected chareidi officials. Eichler feels that with Labor on board, the chareidim have a chance of halting Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu’s economic policies.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

7 Responses

  1. To all the conservative posters: Please note the penultimate sentence of this article, which reports on Rabbi Eichler’s view that “Labor, which favors socialism over capitalism[,] sees eye-to-eye on many key economic issues with the elected chareidi officials.” Many conservative posters on this site believe that socialism is incompatible with frumkeit. I would like to hear how they can reconcile their political views with those of Rabbi Eichler, leader of a major Israeli religious party.

    And just to be clear, I am not recommending socialism for Boro Park, or any other part of America, but I would like to hear from some posters how they reconcile their views of frumkeit with Rabbi Eichler’s.

  2. Labor cares about the unions, hence the name. The Histadrut can shut down the entire country on a whim. They like having that kind of power and control. Don’t think they actually care about helping poor old and sick people.

  3. #2,
    I see that nisunderstand Israel.

    Netanyahu isn’t uprooting the socialistic base of all their economic policies, he just wants to through in some capitolism in a symbolic way that will hurt Chareidim.

    Look. Chareidim don’t mind being part of a capitolist economy if at the same time all the “Kollel checks” given annually to the Kibbutzim will be up to vote by the public, as well as all the big money for sports, colleges, theater, etc. that’s where the big bucks go, and most of Israelis will object to most of this stuff – but that’s not even on the table.

    Everything in that country is government funded, just Torah shouldn’t be – according to Netanyahu. Get it? it’s hard to get it if you know the country just from the surface.

  4. #4 BTW most kibbutzim have become private capitalist enterprises and are not funded by government entity.

    “BIBI wants to throw in some capitolism in a symbolic way that will hurt Chareidim”. Sorry think u are wrong there, Bibi is American university trained in economics. His worldview is competition and a Republican mode of economy that reduces social entitlement programs. Find it hard to believe (unless u want to) that this is only to HURT CHAREIDIM. Labor, Shas want to increase government involvement in every agencies and extend the budget. CHeck out Obama and his deficet & u will see similiar bailouts.

    And us frum Israelis do use the parks, zoos, museums, promenades, highways, railsystem and sometimes even College/Job training (oy vey!!)courses available. There are even ‘normal Charedim’ that hike, go ice skating and even venture up north for kayaking and skiing.

    The budget for sports has fallen, remember how the citizens were angered that there is no money for Olympic training.

  5. And us frum Israelis do use the parks, zoos, museums, promenades, highways, railsystem and sometimes even College/Job training (oy vey!!)courses available. There are even ‘normal Charedim’ that hike, go ice skating and even venture up north for kayaking and skiing.

    And just how did “us frum Israelis” pay their share towards funding all those projects? A man warming a bench in some kolel neither earns money to support his fammily, nor does he pay any taxes to pay for all those facilities you mentioned.

    You probably think it is only right and proper that secular Israelis should physically defend the country and – when they are not doing reserve duties – to work to pay their fair share of the taxes.

    Your remark about “even College/Job training (oy vey!!)courses available” was so unfunny that it was pitifully scandalous. Anybody can go on “College/Job training. The kunz is to actually go out, find work and to support one’s family without dependence on government and charitable handouts that enable “us frum Israelis” to survive by living hand to mouth.

    Meanwhile, all “us frum Israelis” know what to do is to take, take, take, take, take, take snd take again. G-d forbid they should ever lift a finger to support the country that protects and feeds them.

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