How Do Potential Coalition Partners Feel on the Core Issues?

There are a number of major issues that will determine which parties will and will not be a part of the new coalition government as will be decided in the coming weeks. Key issues include;

1. Sharing the burden

2. Diplomatic process between Israel and the PA (Palestinian Authority)

3. The state budget

Let’s see how the potential coalition partners stand vis-à-vis the issues mentioned above.


· Likud – supports the Ya’alon plan.

· Yesh Atid – supports the more radical Yair Lapid plan.

· Bayit HaYehudi – seeking a modified Yair Lapid plan.

· Chareidim – willing to go with the Ya’alon plan, realizing there is no alternative.


· Likud – PM Netanyahu on motzei Shabbos called on the PA (Palestinian Authority) to return to the negotiating table without preconditions.

· Yesh Atid – An immediate return to talks with the PA is a condition to joining the coalition.

· Bayit HaYehudi – Remain opposed to talks and the formation of a Palestinian state. Remain opposed to the prime minister’s Bar Ilan address in which he accepts the formation of a PA state.

· Chareidim – can go either way. Not a major issue.


· Likud – The PM and Finance Minister Steinitz are not revealing the budget. A promise was made however not to raise taxes.

· Yesh Atid – Demanding a major change towards assisting the middle class and university students.

· Bayit HaYehudi – No announced conditions regarding the budget. Seeking continued funding of yishuvim.

· Chareidim – If monthly child allowances are cut, chareidim threaten to break from the coalition. (Shas’ refusal to support the state budget led to the nation holding elections).

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

2 Responses

  1. PEACE TALKS WITH PA “Chareidim – can go either way. Not a major issue”.

    And UTJ stills wants to know where the Anglo Charedim and others were during election times… Well if you have no red lines regarding Peace Talks, disengagement, those living over the green line (40% are charedim),,then there is a disconnect with the American Olim Charedim who are activists and used to standing strong against enemies.

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