Deri: It’s Not About Cabinet Posts & Prestige

Shas leader Aryeh Deri on erev Shabbos 21 Shevat 5773 spoke on the phone with Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu. After Shabbos, unlike his colleague Eli Yishai, Deri expressed optimism about entering the coalition, explaining “It appears Netanyahu wants the chareidim for he understands without his natural partners he will lack stability.”

Deri reportedly told the prime minister he will not permit the destruction of the Torah world, adding that he believes the prime minister prefers having the chareidim on board, explaining his optimism.

Interestingly, in a motzei Shabbos appearance on the Channel 2 TV Meet the Press program, Shas co-leader Eli Yishai told listeners that he believes the chance of the chareidim entering the coalition do not exceed 30%, stating he is not optimistic regarding the chareidim being a part of the new government.

Speaking with Galei Tzahal (Army Radio) Deri stated “It is not what people believe.” He explained “A cabinet post is not about the car, the driver, the bodyguard and the expensive vehicle. We are willing to give this all up if we can live with the lines drawn by the government.” Deri explained if that is what it takes to calm people down and get the point across towards the coalition showing flexibility – to show there can be a coalition without chareidi ministers in senior positions then this too is fine.”

“We all have red lines and we will not permit them to destroy the Torah world. We are not afraid of the opposition” he added.

Despite Deri’s bold statements there is an undertone present, perhaps based on past performance, that Shas will sell out; become the ‘Shabbos goy’ for the government while leaving Yahadut Hatorah in opposition. Deri denies this possibility, insisting the chareidim will function as a single unified bloc.

“We are in sync with one another. I don’t see entering a coalition without Yahadut Hatorah,” adding “We each have our Moetzas Gedolei Hatorah and whatever is decided will determine our actions”, he added, showing if instructed to enter the coalition without Yahadut Hatorah Shas will comply with instructions from its Rabbonim Shlita.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

4 Responses

  1. As the Israelis love to say, it’s an “existential” threat. Under the Lapid plan to draft all hareidim all other than 400 yeshiva students (imagine how they decide who is exempt), including women, even Shas would have no choice but to join a hareidi coalition that will be led by the “fanatics” who have been trying to boycott the medinah the last 65 years, reexamine the policy of focusing on survival rather than trying to control Eretz Yisrael (a policy that was developed after De Haan was murdered), and seek the only alternative left – which would be seeking an autonomous Torah community within an Islamic state.

    Deri understands the stakes. If indeed the hilonim are in fact demanding the Lapid plan and will settle for nothing else (and there as some indication it would pass if the kenesset had a “free” vote without party discipline), the world that we have known for the last 65 years is over.

  2. It’s Not About Cabinet Posts & Prestige

    It isn’t? Well, what was all the pre-election fuss and bother about then?

    Once again, the convicted embezzler “Rabbi” Deri speaks with a forked tongue. He is literally chalishing to get his tuchus on a chair around the Cabinet table.

  3. Well then what is it about?!!!

    Surely not to protect citizens from security breaches..
    Surely not to provide for the handicap/elderly/orphans of Tel-Aviv..
    Surely not to balance the budget..
    Surely not to provide job training and schooling for the unemployed..

    BH to keep the Status Quo in order and keep the flavor of the country Jewish is a positive and hopefully top of their agenda.

  4. 1. Deri was not convicted of embezzlement. He was accused of spending money on yeshivos that had been appropriated for other purposes. It is customary in Israel (and most countries with similar systems, which is most democracies with coalition governments) for ministers to divert money to pet projects. Under most western systems he wouldn’t have been guilty of a criminal offense. Given the bigotted nature of Israel’s legal system, he was bacially convicted up being an uppity frum Sefardi – which is illegal.

    2. Before the election everyone was looking for posts (i.e. patronage, getting a post with money to spend on your favorite projects) and prestige (which relates to patronage). Now the issue is survival. The Lapid plan to draft all hareidim (anti-zionist as well as those who accept government money, men as well as women) will force pro-zionist hareidim into the anti-zionist camp — which doesn’t get any patronage and would probably force them end up supporting the Palestinians.

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