Bennett Views Lapid Share the Burden Model a Basis for Final Policy

The Bayit HaYehudi Party has indicated it is willing to accept the Yesh Atid formula for sharing the burden provided it is amended. According to the Maariv report, the Yair Lapid model for sharing the burden may serve as a model for the final draft. The chareidi parties are understandably angered by Bayit HaYehudi’s position and in response, warn that if Bayit HaYehudi moves in the direction of Lapid, they will vote along with the government if and when there is a move to uproot yishuvim.

Maariv reports that plan announced by Yair Lapid is acceptable to the dati leumi party as the basis for drafting a new law that will compel chareidim to serve in the military of an approved national service program.

Bayit Yehudi however does call for changes, including;

1. Increasing the number of bnei yeshiva entitled to a draft deferment. (Lapid sets the ceiling at 400 annually).

2. To include a draft deferment for frum women. (Lapid calls for drafting all draft eligible Israeli Jews, men and women).

Bayit HaYehudi is calling on Yesh Atid to exhibit flexibility towards reaching a working solution that will result in a new reality in Israel vis-à-vis chareidim and military service.

Simultaneously, talks resume between the dati leumi party and Shas as the latter is seeking to amend the share the burden program to more resemble the example publicized by Likud Vice Premier Moshe Ya’alon. This would enable Shas [and Yahadut Hatorah] to join the coalition. However, Yesh Atid has stated it would not accept a plan based on the Ya’alon formula. Alternatively, the chareidim have announced they will not join a coalition if the plan is based on the Yesh Atid model.

Interestingly, the daily Yisrael Hayom newspaper, which is aligned with Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu reports on Sunday morning 23 Shevat 5773 that if Yesh Atid is unwilling to show flexibility on the share the burden issue, it will find itself in the opposition, quoting “Likud sources” as the source.

What appears more likely however is that Bennett and Lapid reach an agreement and the chareidi parties will remain in opposition.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

8 Responses

  1. 1. Will anyone, male or female, who simply refuses to serve in the army be subject to any sanction other than lost of subsidies for learning in yeshiva (i.e. a fine, or prison)?? As long as those who refuse to serve in the IDF are subject to no sanction other than being treated as if they were Palestinian Muslims who hold citizenship and refuse to serve in the army – there is no severe crisis. Note that those who oppose the medinah on halachic grounds and will refuse to serve even if the army liberally accomodates hareidim, are also the same people who refuse to accept zionist money.

    2. However if the government attempts to conscript hareidim (male or female, those learning or baal ha-battim), including those who believe that it is an aveirah to serve in the army (e.g. the state is illigimate and a usurper, or its wrong to spill blood or risk your life over a real estate dispute) – and starts to punish them (i.e. throw them in jail), then a large part of the hareidi community will end up supporting a one-state solution that will end up as a single Islamic state in the former British mandate, with a Jewish autonomous community (that is exempt from shariah only in situations where halacha is different than shariah – e.g. no gays, few abortions, no ribis, no pork – but wine and learning Torah and doing Mitsvos would be allowed). Most foreign support for Israeli is based on seeing Israel as a country in biblical terms, or support for a haven for Jews being persecuted because of their religion – seeing religious Jews “rounded up” for being religious will devaste international support for Israel, and without that support, Israel will be subject to severe international sanctions.

    3. The first time you see the army raiding a yeshiva to arrest the students for refusing to serve in the army, time to short Israeli bonds and go long on Palestinian bonds – but hold on to your shekels since they’ll probably be collector’s items (such as confederate money has become).

  2. “then a large part of the hareidi community will end up supporting a one-state solution that will end up as a single Islamic state in the former British mandate, with a Jewish autonomous community (that is exempt from shariah only in situations where halacha is different than shariah – e.g. no gays, few abortions, no ribis, no pork – but wine and learning Torah and doing Mitsvos would be allowed).”

    Go learn something about Islam. They will tolerate you for a little while, until they can conquer you to pressure you to convert, kill you, and/or subjugate you. At which point, you would be begging for the zionists.

  3. As is the case all to often, the Mezrachniks (Bayit Hayihudi) have caused the Bnei Torah more tzaros than the average chiloni! This is just another occasion.

  4. “or risk your life over a real estate dispute”

    Meaning all Jews in the Mediterraniam and all Real Estate be given to the Arabs, then you think PEACE will REIGN and the Yishuv Hayashan will be able to live within their own halachic parameters. Check out the history of the Mufti of Yerushalayim and his able-bodied buddies (Hitler for one).

  5. #3 So interesting how we bend any reed in the direction we want it to go.

    Most Mezrachniks (Bayit Hayehdi)have been shamed, humiliated and harmed by the parties of the Bnei Torah (?), now and in the past…..more than the averyage chiloni!!!!!!!!!

  6. #4 – The Mufti and his (failed) attempt to ally with Hitler (the Arabs aren’t so dumb, and realized Hitler’s racial views put them at risk) were all long after the zionists and taken control of the yishuv, and established a policy of wanting to rule over the Arabs and to de-Arabize Palestine. You have to go back to before 1914 to discuss the objections to Islamic rule. While the Muslims at the time were incompetent, they had no objection to Jews moving to Eretz Yisrael as long as they didn’t try to take over, didn’t help their enemies in war time, and were primarily concerned with Torah and Mitsvos (though making money was approved us, and the early zionists stimulated the local economy)– the initial armed disputes were over who paid whom for land.

  7. #3 and #5, read up on the betrayal in 1902, when the Mizrachi joined the kofrim against the Jews. Everything since then comes from this.

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